*Microbiology-Summer 2006*


Who is Taking Micro this summer? Here is a thread that we can all refer to for support. If you have any links to helpful websites please feel free to add them.

What text book is everyone using? At my school we use 'Microbiology-A Human Perspective'.

@studentnurseCB...what nursing school are you going to? and have u applied yet? where are you taking the human growth at??:)

finally, micro is over!!! although, i'm a little disappointed in myself that i got a b, i'm just happy that the stress of it is over. i enjoyed the class, but now it's time to move on to a & p. good luck to everyone still taking micro!

I got a 98% and a 100% on my last 2 micro lecture tests, i really REALLy underestimated myself, i am getting an A in Micro. i felt so beat up by A&PI & II over the last 10 weeks, that i thought another 5 week scince like micro after thaose i would just try y hardest to get a C, and i am coming out with an A, WOO HOO

Specializes in Critical Care, Surgical ICU.

Got a B in Micro, and I am officially done with all pre req's. Now just waiting on one of the three schools I applied to say "your accepted."

The professor just emailed me my final exam grade and final grade in the class....I did end up getting an A in Micro with a 96% on my last test:balloons: :balloons: ...WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!

I am officially done with all my pre-reqs. Got an A in micro and it was hard earned. Now I can begin applying to nursing program for the Spring 2007. To pass the time I am going to take Sociology, hopefully another A. Good luck to everyone out there.

I also finally received my Microbiology grade and received an A-. Very happy especially since it was a six week class. Glad to hear so many others have done well.

Hi I am very excited to hear that everyone has received either an A or a B but I am kinda worried about taking it my first semester of Freshman year. Do you guys think I'm crazy for doing this or did I make the right choice?

Specializes in experienced in 11 areas of nursing.
hi i am very excited to hear that everyone has received either an a or a b but i am kinda worried about taking it my first semester of freshman year. do you guys think i'm crazy for doing this or did i make the right choice?

freshman year of...nursing? i'm asking because couple of freshman nursing students took micro w/me and according to them it was not bad at all, but regardles of anything i believe you did right, just remember that some colleges do not accept the sciences over 5 years old. good luck!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

When you're done w/this thread, let me know so I can "un"sticky it, ok? Thanks.

prmenrs, moderator

Well it's going to be my first year in college not in nursing school so hopefully I can accomplish it. Thanx for your words of encouragement tho.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

thread closed. Please see new thread for Fall 2006. :)

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