Met with supervisor today....

Nurses General Nursing


A little background:

I have been at the same hospital for almost 3 years. Im a full time night charge nurse, and have been in that position for almost a year. Im also considered a preceptor for new nurses.

I just had my annual review about 2 weeks ago and got high scores across the board. I was complimented on being a take charge kind of person, a team player, and someone who is an asset to the floor. There have been a few incidents when I had to call a few employees on the carpet about some issues, but they were dealt with, or so I thought. (One issue was a huge narcotic discrepancy that a nurse tried to cover up, the other involved a CNA leaving the unit and the building without clocking out or telling me that she was leaving, and another nurse covering up for her and lying about the whole issue...stupid stuff, I know.) In fact, my manager told me that she WANTED me to continue to deal with issues like that as they came up.

So I am told on Saturday that I need to meet with my manager. Great, I have 4 days to obsess and worry about it.

In a nut shell, she told me that a few people stated that I was an excellent nurse, etc....but when I am upset, "watch out." I was described as Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Also, these people apparently find me intimidating.

So I am taking an honest look at myself and my personality. Can I be intimidating? Ive been described as having a strong personality, but I would never bully or intimidate someone. When I am upset, do I show it? Of course I do. I wouldnt describe myself as a Mr Hyde though. Are these areas that I can work on? Absolutely, and I have every intention of doing so.

I am being put back on the floor so I can work on "team building.".....also, my manager feels by not acting in a supervisory position I will have more opportunity to "reconnect" with people. Great...I can handle that. As a charge nurse, we take upto 6 pts during the shift. It can be extremely stressful.

What bothers me is that no specifics were given. They were described as being "very generic" statements. She would not tell me who the people were, just that they came from people who "never complain"...which is why she had to say something.

I thanked her for bringing it to my attention, promised that she would see improvement etc....but inside I am in turmoil. For the next 6 weeks or so, Im going to be under a freaking manager reassured me several times that I was not being "demoted".....but that I should look at it as a great learning opportunity blah blah blah.

In a perfect world, it WOULD be a great learning opportunity....I would love to smile and think that everything is going to work out. But right now, all I am is hurt and suspicious and bewildered about the whole thing. I mean wouldnt it have been more productive to get all of us (me and whoever it is that finds me to be such a monster) together so we could sort out any misunderstanding?

Its no wonder people are so reluctant to say anything ...... it always seems to come back and bite you in the butt.

I hate this :sniff:

Specializes in ER.

If you need the job voluntarily step into a bedside nurse role, no need to continue charge when you don't get specific feedback, but you do get a lot of mixed messages. You can fly under the radar a few months and hopefully it will all be water under the bridge. If things don't go well you can watch for positions at the sister hospital and move on.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I echo the sentiments made by some of the other users. Dust off your resume and start looking for another position. I can see that in the distance it looks like there is a bus coming that your about to be thrown under. Do yourself a favor and find another position before you get another meeting about something you did from "people who never complain".

!Chris :specs:

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Had it happen to me as well. I demanded to know who was doing the complaining. They can MAKE UP generic crap all day long, and dance around it and say that they can not divulge who said what. Bull pippy.

You have rights, too, you know. You have a right to face your "accuser". If they can't or won't make arrangements, then, well, I'd be looking elsewhere anyway, based on how they're acting.

Good luck.

I'm sorry but being a strong leader is an asset for a charge nurse. If you aren't ******* off people your not doing your job. That said its not an issue of you working and being intimidating there is another problem and this is being used to back stab you. You really have only two choices stay and deal with the petty issues or move on. When you are not appreciated for what you do stay out of the charge role if you stay, but I would very strongly think about transferring.


This is exactly why I ALways MAINTAIN my credentials with an agency. I work a few shifts a months so that if I am ever put in such a position again I can just resign on the spot and move on.

I had a similar situation. I did step down and work as staff for 2 months. My experience was horrible, I didn't know WHO to trust. I spoke to no one unless about work. I was sent to a workshop on "Dealing with Difficult People" and an assistant manager was sent to baby-sit me. It was demeaning and humiliating.

I resigned via fax 2 months later and never looked back. I now am in an organization that appreciates and respects it's employees. We are listened to.

I say, sign on with an agency and start looking for a new position. Good Luck.

I thought I was a good charge nurse too. In fact, for a while, our hospital was closed and we were all moved to a sister hospial. The sister hospital asked me to stay on as charge nurse for a 41 bed unit. My manager got wind of this, asked me too return when our original hospital opened, promoted me to full time charge nurse, and gave me a substantial raise. All of this happened with no formal charge nurse training provided to me, even though I asked for it. 2 months later, I got a card in the mail stating how delighted she was that I stayed with them, that I was an excellent leader, and an asset to our unit.

As far as desirable qualities to be found in a charge nurse go? Well, when Im on the floor, I want a charge nurse who is a resource person, someone who is available to help, and someone who is going to take care of any issues that come up: all things that I have tried to do. I cant sit here and defend my "strong personality" or tendancy to "show" when Im those phrases are interpreted are going to depend on the personality of the person who reads this.

Ive been around hospitals long enough to know that if one person doesnt like you, watch your back. If a clique of people dont, its time to prepare to move on especially if your manager doesnt have your back.

Do you still have connections at the sister hospital?? Time to dust off those connections to see if they would be interested in you again.


Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.
Sorry, but all I think this does is undermine your authority when (and if) you resume your charge role. It also encourages a playground retaliation mentality. Shame on your manager for not handling this better.

With the precedent your manager has set, your authority has been undermined to the point that I don't see how it can be restored. When subordinates can get a supervisor reassigned just by complaining, there are serious issues. You were promoted to make difficult decisions, some of which will be unpopular. If your manager is going to cave in whenever staff doesn't like your decisions, you're beaten. You must have backing from above to be an effective leader.

I cant being to express how much i do NOT want to go to work tonight. Some of my accusers are going be on the floor with me (or so I think....). And Im supposed to act like everything is all right? And when Im asked why Im not charging, my supervisor instructed me to say "Im working on a special project about team building." am I supposed to work on team building when I no longer trust anyone?:angryfire

Thanks again for your advice everyone. It helps tremendously.

Specializes in LTC, Med-SURG,STICU.

Kill them with kindness and watch your back. What can they say about you if you are kind and helpful? I do know that it will make them wonder what you are planning to do to get even with them for being a bunch of back stabbers. You might as well have a little bit of fun while looking for another job.

Good luck tonight.

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

remember when you go in tonight, that we on the site have your back! reread this entire thread and either print out the whole thread or just a few of the posts that really helped you the most and stick them in your pocket and take them with you to work. that way, you'll know we're with you and if things get to you, you can go around the corner or into the ladies room and reread them.



shar pei mom:paw::paw:

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

Good luck at work tonight! I hope your shift is a good one.

Thanks again guys....*group hug*:redbeathe

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