Hi everyone! I am a nursing student trying to prepare to be the safest nurse I can and I have been trying to memorize as many drug interactions, contraindications and major adverse reactions as possible lately. Please feel free to leave a comment with any and all interactions, interesting contraindications, or major adverse reactions or Rx. gems you have memorized or have come across or use on a regular basis. I'll list as many as I have in my head right now that I have come across recently
.octreotide and pantoprazole in a Y site IVP
.lorazepam and ondansetron IVP
.Dilantin and D5 IV
.succinylcholine(all depolarizing muscular blockades) For RSI Is contraindicated in CKD/ESRD, burns, crush injuries, and muscular dystrophy.(anything causing hyperK)
.dantroline is a vesicant and hyaluronidase is the antidote for extravasation.
.Bicarb, calcium gluconate/calcium chloride, Dilantin and potassium are drugs that should pretty much have their own primary tubing/no piggy and should not have meds pushed through them to be safe.
This is just what's in my head at the moment. I'll post as I learn more or come across others that I know but am not thinking of at the moment!
please feel free to ad or correct/clarify anything I have said.
Thank you in advance.