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About Amnesty

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  1. Hello all! I'm a student in a master's in nursing education program and I'm in my education-specific core classes. I have an assignment that includes interviewing an academic nurse educator and asking them a series of 5 questions and then 5 follow-up...
  2. Memorizing drug interactions!

    You really come across as stuck up and confrontational. We don't need to know the capabilities of your special brain nor do we care how many algorithms you've memorized. What we know is that in nursing practice, things get messy and you need to know ...
  3. Hi all! Doing some research into moving to ABQ in the next year and just wondering what I can expect as far as finding employment there (looking at UNM and Presbyterian specifically -- cannot work at Lovelace as I need a not-for-profit hospital). I h...
  4. I've had this situation come up at work several times before. The answer is a bit complex. If I've discussed it with the patient and he is well-informed about his health and says his heart rate is usually in that range and his primary doctor has okay...
  5. Tenebrae, my original assertion was that most people would not want to work 3 hours a day every day. I didn't say that no one would do it. I said no one would choose it if better scheduling was available. I've just about explained myself to death in...
  6. I'm so sorry about your injury . I hope mine doesn't end up debilitating me. I've clung to the optimism that if it doesn't affect the actual spinal column, just the ligaments, it's probably not nearly as bad as it could have been, and I can hopefully...
  7. Yeah, I don't think I'm going to push it by asking to do ACLS while still injured. I've definitely gained some perspective on how that could seem self-motivated in a bad way. I'll wait and go with the flow. No more wave-making for me.
  8. Yeah I saw that. Manipulation also means "handle or control, typically in a skillful manner". Both have bad connotations though, which is why I'm going with poor phrasing. Another communication problem! I'm definitely going to see an attorney. I did...
  9. This is the major difference. Some of the people in the thread assumed I was doing this. One even blatantly stated I was faking the injury/the severity of the injury because I worked through a weekend after sustaining the injury. When I clarify my po...
  10. Perhaps the phrasing isn't the best. Apparently manipulation implies dishonesty/unfairness. Maneuvering is a better word.
  11. Taken out of context, a quote can look like a lot of things it was never meant to. The context for this one was that I was being accused of manipulating it because I just didn't want to do the med surg work. There is a big difference between taking ...
  12. That's something I've had to seriously consider. I do know it's not any less physical on a critical care floor even if the patients you have are fewer. The only real benefit might be that at least most of the total cares have foleys, but even then, i...
  13. @Dances with Wool I'll address a few things: ACLS and PALS are probably 2 day classes anywhere, but that's still 2/3 of a week where I'm not expected to do anything outside my restrictions. My hospital is particular about the meds. I might be allowe...
  14. Union gave away random drug testing

    Because that hospital doesn't know you. No hospital you go to does. Drug testing makes sense for new empoyees. That's the standard for I think all but one of the numerous places I've worked at. I was drug tested in retail, drug tested in fast food. T...
  15. dishes, it is possible. It's not something my former med-surg manager would ever have thought. But the fact is, I'm dealing with 4 managers who don't know me at all. One liked me enough to hire me, but possibly now views me as broken goods. One alrea...