Published Apr 19, 2008
13 Posts
Just to let everyone know. I know a lot of people have been waiting on them. I got in thankfully. It didn't have my ranking but said they are offering me admission to the fall term. Hopefully that means I can start in August. Good luck to everyone else.
241 Posts
Congratulations to you!!!!
63 Posts
I got in!! I'm so excited. See you on May 14th!
468 Posts
What is May 14th?
Well, just as I suspected, I did not get in. Hopefully I get into Baker to start in the fall. Congratulations to all of you that did get in! Good Luck.
135 Posts
Finally my mail got here and the news is good!
Congrats to all who have made it this year and good thoughts for those who haven't.
901 Posts
Congrats to everyone that got in !!!!
FYI, I think everyone's letter says Fall 2008, regardless of your start time. You will find out what your start date is after your orientation, I think several weeks later. They give you the opportunity to tell them when you would like to start (I could have started in August but requested January so I could get Micro out of the way first), then they set everyone's start dates according to ranking or preference. Don't expect a "pep rally" when you go to orientation ; it was a very negative experience for me. You get the crap scared out of you :uhoh21:! I walked out of there feeling very let down.
8 Posts
Congrats to all those who made it! For all those who didn't, keep trying and don't be discouraged. I'm sure they won't be doing any sugarcoating when they tell us what they have in store for us. Lets face it, nursing is one of the more mentally and physically demanding jobs out there, and any good nursing program is structured to prepare us for that. It would be unfair for any program to throw us into the nursing field without giving us the proper training. Hopefully, by the time we all finish, our hides will be thick enough to tolerate all the rigors of the job. See you all at orientation!
I'm glad they waited so long to tell people about orientation that is mid-week! I haven't gotten my letter yet becuase I am in CO, so getting back for that is going to be sweet....
21 Posts
Congratulations to all of you who got in:yeah:. I will see you at orientation and perhaps get to know some of you in classes in the future:nuke:. Quick question for those of you who have already started/completed the program. I still need to take micro and was considering to request to start in Jan. Is it too hard of a class to take and start in October? I want to do well. Just curious. Thanks!
248 Posts
I suggest taking micro by itself and starting the nursing program in January. The nursing classes may only be 1-2 credit hours each, but they are very time consuming. Several of my classmates that started in August were doing micro at the same can be done, but one of them failed 1600's. I'm not saying that it was because of taking micro too, but it certainly couldn't have helped.