May Nclex takers...come and join hands...

Nursing Students NCLEX


apparently, ive been waiting for other people to start a support group for may nclex takers.....but here i am.....

im taking my nclex on the 7th of may...hopefully, i pass this time. im tired of living a non-RN life......

i'm doing this question on saunder's 3rd ed cd and i'm soo confused with their answer..the question regarding cpr asked to prioritize the following:

1. check for a pulse at the carotid artery

2. perform chest compression

3. determine breathlessness

4. initiate breathing

5. open the client's airway

6. determine unconsciousness by shaking the client and asking "are you ok?"

the answer in the cd is 563421

i thought the first step is determine that the client is unconscious as opposed to being intoxicated, sleeping or hearing impaired.

i also thought that pulselessness is determined before giving chest compression...i will prioritize it as 653412..what do you think? guess they mixed it up...

it is right read basic life have to determine responsiveness first and then do head tilt chin lift that means open airway, look (for chest rising) listen and feel for pulseand initiate cpr.

hey everybody. i took my test on may 14 and i still don't know if i passed. this is my 2nd time taking it. i had probably more than 5 sata and plenty of priority. has any ca nclex rn takers who took their test on the 14 or after gotten their results yet? :wink2:

hey everybody. i took my test on may 14 and i still don't know if i passed. this is my 2nd time taking it. i had probably more than 5 sata and plenty of priority. has any ca nclex rn takers who took their test on the 14 or after gotten their results yet? :wink2:

i took mine on may 8th in ca for the 2nd time and i'm still hopelessly waiting :(

good luck to you though! :D

ohjoyitsme have you been checking on brn website as well?


yeah I have, that's why I'm pretty sure I failed, again. :bluecry1: It's just so hard to have been waiting this long and not think that I failed. Its so depressing and frustrating to have to go through this a second time. I don't what else to do if I have to take it again. I feel like I tried so hard this time and sigh :sniff: i jus don't know anymore...

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

--Yeah , like i mentioned in an earlier thread..There are alot of new grads requesting IP lisc, transcript processing etc..soooo the BRN might be overloaded at this time. soo give it a little more time than normal.-


Thanks Jon, I know. It just gets me down when I know other people who took it the same time as I did or after me have already found out that they passed. :scrying: just makes me wonder why I have to wait so loooong :confused: sorry to be so negative, its just really hard for me right now.

do you think saunder's 3rd ed is still good? i'm half-way with the cd but then im thinking if i should get the 4th there much difference?

Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

they are the same.the 4th edition has many colored pictures

do you think saunder's 3rd ed is still good? i'm half-way with the cd but then im thinking if i should get the 4th there much difference?

hi, i think saunders 3rd ed is good. i read everything in it.hehe:d except the quizes. then i answered the cds too. actually, i answered 100 questions every morning from 9am until 12 well, i t includes the review of answers both right and wrong. then i the afternoon i read saunder's the 3rd ed. and i find it easy to understand.:D and also thra kaplan strategy. they all worked for me as i passed my exam:nurse: and of course never forget to pray everyday:rolleyes:

i have a question

a pt who had undergone ect 15 mins ago stated that he is thirsty.what would the nurse do?

a. check the gag reflex

b. offer ice chips to moisten the mouth

my ans is b.

any other ans and rationale?hehehe

B! i think its B. gag reflex isnt lot after the ECT right? haha:bugeyes: is it?:)

Specializes in Telemetry.
hey everyone, it's kay again...i took the nclex two days ago (may 19th) and at 265 questions...

i passed

so hopefully that eases the minds of anyone else who gets 265 questions of their exam. this was my 2nd attempt at the nclex and all i can say is, take your time with every single question. my first time, i got pretty impatient after not finishing the exam after 75 questions and i went downhill from there from just rushing and not paying full attention. i'm a fast test taker at school so i wasn't used to this situation. this second time, i just took my time on every single question -- up to question 265 -- and hoped for the best.

i wanna thank you guys...i wish i had stumbled upon this forum earlier. it really provided a lot of mental and emotional support for the grueling 36 hours i waited for my results. (i know others can't to the quickresults thing, and props for you guys enduring the wait).

i wanna keep updated with all my fellow may test takers...good luck and take your time! :redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe

kay, r.n. in nyc


hey there! you got your results now! wow..way to go rn. i've got 265 qs too..well i told you that before right?

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