Published Aug 8, 2005
163 Posts
Hey, I was just wondering how many hours you have to work in order to get 6months of paid mat leave. thanks
20,964 Posts
ask your HR department this. It varies a lot by workplace.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,715 Posts
Gotta love Canada. Here our staff gets 6 weeks, if they have the personal time.
Good luck. :)
Here, they get only what PTO they have earned
it can vary wildly.
1,987 Posts
As SmilingBluEyes said, check with your HR dept. I find that this is highly individualized and varies greatly hospital to hospital. Some hospitals around here give 3 months unpaid time maternity leave, others 6 weeks. Definitely check with HR.
51 Posts
If you are a member of the United Nurses of Alberta, go to their website
My understanding is that any nurse who is past her probationary period is entitled to maternity leave.
Click on bargaining, then your particular collective agreement.
Your entitlement to the SEB plan from EI and EI benefits will depend on your having the required number of weeks worked in the previous year. Phone your local EI office for that information.
Employment Insurance gives you an entitlement to a year of maternity leave at normal rates, 17 weeks of which is topped up to up to 95 % of your salary(SEB Plan).
The following article will tell you how to best use this entitlement i.e using your sick bank pre delivery if you need to be off.
lisamc1RN, LPN
943 Posts
6 months of paid maternity leave? Wow! You gotta love some of those Canada benefits! :)
6,620 Posts
I was shocked when I first moved to the US and found out they didn't get a year off like we do in BC.
a YEAR off? you are lucky to get 6 weeks off, paid or unpaid, here. It sucks.
Yep a year. It was the same when I worked in Ontario. Most of the nurses would come back to work with pictures of their baby's first birthday.
must be nice....
i think that is a huge thing that is wrong w/this country.
102 Posts
Are y'all talking about a year of PAID leave, or just a year off with a gaurenteed postion when you come back? In the US, if you have worked somewhere at least 12 mos and the company has more than 50 employees you are intitled to 12 wks unpaid, you job must be open for you when you return. (Family Medical Leave Act.) You can use the hours accumulated in your paid time off bank, and/or short term disabilitly in place of your salary.