Marijuana usage by parents in NICU

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in NICU.

Hi. I left unit to use the bathroom and the hallway reeked of pot. Two people were waiting to be buzzed out. I hadn't met them so I didn't know who they were visiting.

So I went into the bathroom, but couldn't stay because the odor of pot was intense.

I went to report it to the charge nurse and the nurse that was taking care of the visitors baby said It's ok, I took care of everything. Meaning she asked them to leave because of the second hand smoke.

Now the charge nurse did nothing and the staff started to tease me about knowing what pot smells like. But nothing was ever done or documented.

My question is what would you have done?

I think I would have called security to document the smell in the bathroom. Most all the nurses say our security is useless.

Why do we enable visitors to do the wrong thing in the name of family friendly units? Why does no one care?

Just wondering what other charge nurses would do.


Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

What exactly more would you expect them to do? They were asked to leave, and they left. In what way was anyone "enabling" them?

Genuinely curious as to what more you think should have been done?

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

I think I would have called security to document the smell in the bathroom.

Why? Unless the visitors lit up in the bathroom, not much more can be done. My least favorite thing is assessing someone "because they reek of pot smoke." Um, I can't dip a urine so I'm thinking you're out of luck in proving anything.

Is it gross? Yes. Is it bad for the NICU babies? Possibly. You say they were "parents" in the subject line and visitors in the body of the comment. If parents are lighting up in the NICU restroom, I'd say there's an issue.

Specializes in ER.

I don't think pot is the benign substance its proponents claim, but in my state it's legal. Reality is, many people smoke, and some of those folks actually have jobs and function reasonably well.

I have bigger fish to fry...

Specializes in 25 years NICU 5 years Telephone Triage.

They left, so that's good. I would never allow an impaired parent to hold their baby, whether it's alcohol or pot or some other drug.

Specializes in NICU.

Hi Klone. To clarify it was a father and his male visitor. They smoked in the NICU bathroom, stunk up the entire hallway. I couldn't use the bathroom because of all the smoke.

I would have had them detained by security for a little talk. Sometimes a security guard has some clout, I don't know, appeal to authority maybe. I don't have the answers, but what I don't like is the attitude of oh well what are you going to do.

That's enabling.

Moderator: please close topic. Thanks

Specializes in ER.
Hi Klone. To clarify it was a father and his male visitor. They smoked in the NICU bathroom, stunk up the entire hallway. I couldn't use the bathroom because of all the smoke.

I would have had them detained by security for a little talk. Sometimes a security guard has some clout, I don't know, appeal to authority maybe. I don't have the answers, but what I don't like is the attitude of oh well what are you going to do.

That's enabling.

Moderator: please close topic. Thanks

So, you want the last word, eh? Why not just not visit the thread anymore, instead of troubling the moderator?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I would have had them detained by security for a little talk. Sometimes a security guard has some clout, I don't know, appeal to authority maybe.

Depending on your facility's policy and how far those involved would push back against security detaining them for a suspicion of smoking marijuana (there's no hard evidence if all you have is a smell), that could actually be not allowed and/or even considered false imprisonment.

Not liking the responses is not a reason to shut down a thread that could very well lead to constructive discussion.

We had a similar situation in which the wife of a patient was smoking pot in the patients bathroom. It wasn't my care that it was pot more so smoking in general. We asked her to take it outside and she did.

No babies were involved so I don't know what I would do in that situation.

Specializes in Reproductive & Public Health.

Really?! Smoking in the NICU bathroom?! That is mindboggling to me. Go to your car or something

See now I'm a bit of an askhole sometimes. I'd have approached the father and his buddy with wide eyes saying "Someone has been smoking around here with all the oxygen, that's so dangerous. Also, these babies are very sick and smoke of any kind could irritate their itty bitty lungs! If you gentlemen see or smell anything like that will you please let me know so I can call security and have them thrown out and barred from our facility? (bat eyes stupidly) Thank you guys we appreciate your help in keeping these babies safe! We'll find out whoever did this!" Spin on my heel then walk away.

Yeah, ya got me. In fact I have done just that.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
I don't have the answers, but what I don't like is the attitude of oh well what are you going to do.

That's enabling.

But the other nurse talked to them and told them to leave, yes? And they left, yes? Without security being called?

What I like to do is empower nurses to be able to stick up for themselves and give them permission to establish boundaries with patients and family as to what is unacceptable behavior. THEN, if the clearly defined boundaries are not respected, THEN involve security.

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