how many carry liability insurance???


i have been off work for 1 year and a half and still carry through nso

does anyboy carry liability insurance is it just a rip off , and should i carry it even though i'm not working??? help

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I carry , primarily because I live and work in one of the most litigious states. Liability insurance is not only for lawsuits. It also pays legal fees up to $10,000 to defend you in licensure issues.

Look at it in this manner: the yearly premium for is typically less than the hourly rate charged by the average attorney.

Specializes in Home Health, PDN, LTC, subacute.

I bought it as a student ($25) and have carried it for the past 2 years. I think it's worth it. Like the Commuter said, they will pay for an attorney to defend your license in front of the BON.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I have it, and cannot work for agencies without malpractice. I will make sure that is always paid each June. I heard, though, through calling them that to defend your license, the nurse has to pay the attorney upfront for NSO. I discovered that days before I called in my payment. Now, I am going to search for another, but NEVER would I walk without it.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Definitely continue it. You need to ensure against possible litigation that could arise from patients for whom you cared in the past. Don't let it lapse.

Also, if you will notice, your liability covers out of hospital as well:

You didn't need to worry if you provided emergency assistance outside of work or volunteered time as a nurse in your community. You were covered 24 hours a day

And, please note that NSO might adjust your premium rates. You may be able to receive a 50% discount on your premium and adjust your coverage if you are not currently working as a nurse, but still carry an active license to practice.

Specializes in Almost everywhere.

I agree with sirI and I have found it worth the time to call NSO and let them know when I have had status changes.

In my opinion, I highly believe it is better to have some sort of my own coverage than depend on my place of employment to bail me out. I could very well be standing alone.

There is definitely a need to carry the . Especially in this day and age where lawsuits pop up all the time. And I agree with the rest, it definitely will pay off in lawyer's fees alone. I carried it as a student and continued once I was licensed. It is always best to have the insurance to fall back on.

Specializes in peds, office nurse and long term care fa.

I carry it through NSO also. Wouldn't think being without it! Now a days you never know what's going to happen!

Specializes in Behavioral Medicine.

Because of this post I got it. Thanks guys.

Mine is included in my license.

Thanks for the advice! I have not carried it yet in 10 years. I just heard that a baby died at home 6-8 weeks after discharge from the level 2 nursery where I discharged him. My name is last one on the chart!!! I will carry it now!

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