Published Mar 27, 2004
3 Posts
male vs. female......i don't see any reason why a male nurse should start a foley on a female pt. unless it is an emergency. i have no problem with a female coworker asking me to cath. their male pt.'s. i will always see if a female coworker will perform this procedure on my female pt's. i am about to graduate in may with my adn. i just want to get the general census about this.
thank you all for your comments. this was a class assignment and i wanted to start a little controversy so i would get some response. for the most part i really like the professional replies. i look forward to becoming an rn and agree with all of you that commented its up to the patient, and it's all about the patient. one of my main reasons for becoming a nurse is the holistic care we provide. god bless you all.
29 Posts
Are you for real? I am a nurse and male and cath male or female patients both. That is my job. I can see if the patient has a big problem with it then I will ask a female to do it but as far as I am concerned if I am their nurse then I will do their care. :)
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
I have no problem respecting a pts privacy and asking a fem to cath a fem, and I will do her males.
Called teamwork
Called respecting a pt
Called protecting your ***
You cath the wrong fem and she complains and even files charges against you. kiss you a__ goodbye.
Energizer Bunny
1,973 Posts
male vs. female……i don’t see any reason why a male nurse should start a foley on a female pt. unless it is an emergency. i have no problem with a female coworker asking me to cath. their male pt.’s. i will always see if a female coworker will perform this procedure on my female pt’s. i am about to graduate in may with my adn. i just want to get the general census about this.
if the patient requests it, then i would gladly hand the job over to someone else, but if not, i would consider it my job!
1,037 Posts
Well I don't see the big deal about guys cathing women.. If you are so worried about it, just make sure you take a female "assistant" in there with you, whether you need them or not...
Most Gynecologists are men, so whats the difference????????????????
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
:chair: I make it a matter of policy not to cath females, especially ones who are alert and oriented. Yes I know it's sexist since females have been cathing males for eons, and I'm a big hypocrite because I scream for equality in other areas.
But since I have to bring a female in the room with me to do that kind of intimate care on a female, (as a witness I'm not going to sexually molest her), I just send the female in the room to do it for me. I've never ever had someone refuse, but I'm a nice guy and most of the time am the charge nurse. :)
edited to add: Also, I've cathed many a male patient for female staff who weren't quite comfortable cathing the patient, usually a teenage male or young alert and oriented male.
Sometimes for the comfort of all involved it's best to compromise your feelings and not put your feelings on the other nurse, but respect where they are at.
2,099 Posts
tee writes: "You cath the wrong fem and she complains and even files charges against you. kiss you a__ goodbye."
As happened to a (gay male) friend of mine who cathed an elderly demented female patient one night. When her relatives happened to find out, THEY filed formal "sexual abuse" charges against him and he had to go to hearings, etc. Believe me, he had ZERO sexual interest in her, but it was still a big, and months-long, hassle.
bellehill, RN
566 Posts
Why not ask the patient if she is okay with you doing the procedure? I have asked my male techs to cath men I didn't feel comfortable cathing for various reasons. Protect yourself first, if you help your female coworkers they shouldn't mind helping you.
zambezi, BSN, RN
935 Posts
tee writes: "You cath the wrong fem and she complains and even files charges against you. kiss you a__ goodbye."As happened to a (gay male) friend of mine who cathed an elderly demented female patient one night. When her relatives happened to find out, THEY filed formal "sexual abuse" charges against him and he had to go to hearings, etc. Believe me, he had ZERO sexual interest in her, but it was still a big, and months-long, hassle.
This is the reason that most of the guys in my unit won't do female caths, we had the same type of situation......we female coworkers in the unit don't seem have a problem with it as the guys are always willing to help out with other things...The other option of the female coworker in the room is an option, but, if you are going to take time to stand there, you might as well be the one putting in the foley so the other nurse can watch your patients...
81 Posts
Yikes. I'm glad this was brought up. I've cathed many patients, both male and female, while in school and never gave it a second thought. I'll go out of my way to have a female nurse do female patients in the future. I can never find that d*** meatus anyway!
1,146 Posts
I agree with Tweety ... if you have to have a female in the room with you while you are performing this procedure, might as well just have her do it. There is little time to waste on a MS unit and working together is the best policy. I have cathed many of the male patients for my female counterparts.
zacarias, ASN, RN
1,338 Posts
99% of nurses are acting as professionals when they insert catheters into females or males. That people would think nurses are acting inappropriate and sexual is absurd and an insult to nurses cuz basically they're saying that nurses are kinky. Because the nurse is not only capable of making a pass at Grandma, but likes to get up close and personal by sticking plastic tubes up orifices...I mean please!!