Male vs. Female


male vs. female......i don't see any reason why a male nurse should start a foley on a female pt. unless it is an emergency. i have no problem with a female coworker asking me to cath. their male pt.'s. i will always see if a female coworker will perform this procedure on my female pt's. i am about to graduate in may with my adn. i just want to get the general census about this. :uhoh3:


thank you all for your comments. this was a class assignment and i wanted to start a little controversy so i would get some response. for the most part i really like the professional replies. i look forward to becoming an rn and agree with all of you that commented its up to the patient, and it's all about the patient. one of my main reasons for becoming a nurse is the holistic care we provide. god bless you all.

Yeah...I get ya. I concede.

I guess it's not so much actually "inquiring" about a preference really, as it is perhaps picking up on their vibes, or even making an effort to notice possible discomfort with it. I guess that's more where I'm coming from. And making an attempt to accomodate if at all possible... for THEIR comfort, even if it adds an extra minute or two for us to arrange a "swap".

I just always like to remind myself I'm dealing with more than just a "body".

I see what you're saying as well. It hasn't happened with me yet, but if I had a patient who was constantly threatening to sue or just complaining a lot...I would probably try and switch just to be safe, or like you said, just picking up their vibes. So I guess we're both right :)

Specializes in surgical, emergency.

This is a good thread question. This sure has got me thinking.

For years, I have cathed females as part of the pre op prep after they were asleep. The reason, this is my room, my pt and my job.

Most times, in preop I would say to pt's that I would be putting a cath in. I am watching for nonverbals. Most of the time, the only question is "you will put the foley in after I"m asleep?" We are not allowed to care for family members or close friends in our sugery.

Once in a while our "call team" is all guys. We have an all female PACU call team. After reading these comments, I am thinking of calling in PACU on any female emergency case when "the guys" are on call. And also talking to my supervisor to consider a policy on this area.

It's never too late I guess.

Well I don't see the big deal about guys cathing women.. If you are so worried about it, just make sure you take a female "assistant" in there with you, whether you need them or not...

Most Gynecologists are men, so whats the difference????????????????

Its a double standard-- I don't have a male nurse assist me when I cath a male. I have no problem with our male nurses cathing females. The patient of course always has the right to request or refuse a certain nurse from performing any procedure they feel uncomfortable with. I just think its a shame that male nurses are discriminated in this and other ways. So of the best nurses in our hospital are male. I wish we had more out there in the profession!
Specializes in LTC.
A little off subject, but I am a male student in a rural area and I have had 3 female pts tell me that I can not be their nurse because I am a guy.

Yeah, that can happen. On the other hand I've known some elderly female nursing home residents who loved their male nurses and thought they were the best. LOL.

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