Lung Center of the Philippines: Basic Skills Training


They are currently screening for Basic Skills Training in LCP. Has anyone tried this? Would you guys recommend this? This is a 3-month training: 1 month lecture and 2 months practicum. It costs 6,000 pesos.

Specializes in MS, Renal, Nursing Admin.

HI prongs i believe their its only for screening for purposes but as to the schedule of training i think its already close, because when i went there to ask for their BST training they told me its close already up to december 2009

HI prongs i believe their its only for screening for purposes but as to the schedule of training i think its already close, because when i went there to ask for their BST training they told me its close already up to december 2009

yes, it is true, if you still want to try, jan2010 is the slot that you can wait to open. 6k? last yr it was just for 5k..haha.:D

If ever they'll be accepting applications for BST, do we have to pay the training fee upon passing of requirements or we'll wait for the confirmation that we've been accepted for the training? :specs:

Hi! Why not try NKTI? They also offer training program for nurses.. It costs around 7-8k for 4 mos.. I've heard from a friend who undergone training in that hospital that she learned a lot and it's all worth it.. Fyi. IVT and BLS are pre-requisite courses before you can enroll in their program.. But I'm not sure though on the slots available for their training..

Specializes in MS, ER.

What? so the guy that I called yesterday over the phone did not tell me the commencement of the next batch of BNS.. how frustrating that the next batch would be on January 2010.. I changed my mind though..Regarding on your question blueblink the training division said that upon passing of your requirements you don't have to pay for the fee, it will be paid upon the beginning of your training..

I went there yesterday and they said they still have slots for the september training but they're not yet accepting applications as of now. advised to call them by june.

What? so the guy that I called yesterday over the phone did not tell me the commencement of the next batch of BNS.. how frustrating that the next batch would be on January 2010.. I changed my mind though..Regarding on your question blueblink the training division said that upon passing of your requirements you don't have to pay for the fee, it will be paid upon the beginning of your training..

I would suggest that you still give it a try, we passed our requirements last December 2008. They told us that they usually conduct screenings once a year, so its good that they're screening again now. We were about 300+ in line and they got only about 150 - 200+. We were given a date to call them back so that we'll know when our training starts. I was scheduled for their August - October batch and I have until June to confirm. I'm pretty much sure that not all those who were screened last December will push through, hence there may be some slots left, who knows they might fill out the remaining slots with the new screens. So give it a try, anyway, you don't have to pay yet until you confirm, at least if you make it through the screening, you have a fall back if you're not connected yet with other hospitals (either as a trainee or employee) on the date you're scheduled to start. ;)

Specializes in MS, ER.

Thanks kooleat..maybe I'll go there after my ACLS and ECG training.. most probably by June..if I'm still unemployed then maybe it's the time for me to attend many trainings to keep myself's very hard to find a job right now even if it is just a volunteer service..God Know's all...Goodluck on your training kooleat!

May I ask what are the requirements for this training?

Specializes in medical surgical nursing, MAN-MSN.
may i ask what are the requirements for this training?

basic skills enhancement training program

this course aims to develop nurses' knowledge, skills and attitude in the performance of techniques and procedures with an understanding of the principles involved.

program fee: php 6,000.00

duration: 3 months (1-month didactic & 2-months intensive practicum)


1.resume with latest picture

2.tor including diploma & rle records

3.board rating

4.prc license

5.prc certificate

6.picture 1x1 - 2 pcs.

7.chest x-ray & ppd (c/o lcp)

8.brown envelope (long)

9.bls certificate / id

* non refundable / non transferable

Does BST is a pre-requisite to undergo before other training at lung center

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