Published Jun 11, 2012
8 Posts
why is it people do not view an LPN as. " true" nurse. I worked hard, study hard and NCLEX was hard. Why cant other nurses and clients take the title serious? seems like, if you do not have an RN you are not a nurse. ggrrrrr
BrandonLPN, LPN
3,358 Posts
People say stuff like that because stupid people say stupid things. Ask them what they think the "N" in LPN stands for.
5 Posts
I tell them the RNs are the "why" nurses, and I'm the "how" nurse. I know how to get it done. That's what "practical" means.
38 Posts
I've gotten that same attitude from people for years. Had more than one family member say to me "are you an LPN or are you a REAL nurse?" AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! I decided to make fun of it though. See, obviously RN = Real Nurse, therefore LPN must = Learned Practically Nothing, right? LOL... seriously though, it is frustrating and insulting in more ways than one, to be dismissed by whomever simply because it doesn't say RN behind one's name. I guess I'm lucky because I work in a facility that doesn't have any RN's who work hands on. We have one on staff to sign the stuff us "lowly" little LPN's can't, but other than that, you never ever see her. Even our Administrator is an LPN.... pretty cool, huh? Maybe that's why I've been there longer than I have anywhere else LOL. Oh and to clarify, I am not now, nor will I ever, degrade RNs. I admire anyone who furthers their education and applaud them for it. What I do take issue with is the "I'm better than you are" mentality that some, mainly new grads, have. But that's another thread...............
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Members of the public often resort to these types of put-downs and insults to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings in life.
126 Posts
I worked with a RN recently who was talking to a Pt and he asked if we were nurses she said she was a nurse and I was helping her that night. Didn't even acknowledge me as a nurse. Maybe they need to teach in RN school that LPN's are nurses too and really there are only a few slight differences between us- that being a little more indepth in theory, IV's and delegation and care plans which the latter 2 LPN's do in some facilities.
187 Posts
I just roll my eyes when someone says that I'm "only an LVN".
38,333 Posts
I don't care how they treat me. I look at my paycheck and it is the same however I was treated during the pay period.
234 Posts
I think it's human nature to 1 up people in our society. Doctors do it. My friend is a pediatrician and that's not seen as "challenging" or "a real doctor" to some people. My husband is military and the only rank that matters is E5 and above to some people. If you have 1 child and not 3? "Oh whatever. You don't even know what I go through". It just is what it is. Probably will always be that way. I don't care what you call me, just cut me my check.
I have a person who is a fellow nurse who has constantly repeated "I'm only an LVN". So am I! I think she is so wrong. Now she will be graduating from RN school pretty soon. It is a shame to think how she will treat others when she is done.
1 Article; 360 Posts
well I know one thing,,,I work a HE** of a lot harder than the RN's at my facility!
Just like the CNA's work harder than anyone else....AND get the lowest pay!
realnursealso/LPN, LPN
783 Posts
My patient's families take me very seriously when they trust me with the care of their medically fragile children. Now RN's on a power trip, I just ignore them. I don't discuss my occupation with idiots. I am a confident, skilled caring nurse, with 32 years of experience. I quit paying any attention to naysayers long ago, you should too.