Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students
Published Mar 7, 2007
Danish, MSN, APRN, NP
312 Posts
Does anyone else have this feeling?
I have been going to college for 6 years now (off & on b/c of 2 pregnancies). I completed all of my BSN prereqs and had a looooong wait list. I decided instead of waiting, to attend a Tech school for LPN so that I could work in the meantime and gain some experience.
I started out loving the school, the program, the instructors, even most of my classmates...HOWEVER, things have changed for the worse. Half of the class has NO business being in the medical field (not to be rude, but some of them are just plain dumb) We had a student in class say that as a home health aid she gave drugs to "retarted kids" she said she gave "Ridle" (I know its ritalin, Im just repeating what she said :)) Then, someone today said that you put sardine juice on measles! I mean come on....The instructors do everything they can to hold their hands and walk them through just to pass the semester by the skin of their teeth! We spend half the class amusing ourselves with stupid comments and jokes throughout the semester. I have never been in a college course like this.
We are interrupted during lecture to be told that we can be put in a drawing for sending our friends to sign up for the program and to be told that we cannot wear our jackets over our uniforms in class. The lady who teaches the Pharm tech class in the next room will just bang on the wall very loudly if we are not quiet (the walls are thin). And we have a window to the hallway so that the salesmen, I mean admissions counselors can give tours of the class and it is distracting. Then, today, we had to watch about 2 hours of videos sitting on the floor b/c there are no chairs in the video room. My butt was numb!
In their defense, the do have a 100% pass rate for the 2 classes that have taken the NCLEX from my campus.
Should I just keep my mouth shut and go with the flow or do you think this is a rediculous as I do?
38,333 Posts
Go with the flow, you can't (I'll bet) get a refund on any fees owed if you decide to chuck it and quit. As long as you pass the boards, get the license, you will come out ahead. You can then use the LPN license to help you get into an RN program in the future, by working and by getting credit for having the license. Consider this entire experience a lesson in patience and perseverance.
931 Posts
The other poster is right. Just grin and bear it so you can get to the next stage. They won't likely listen to anything you tell them. The only thing that got me through was knowing there was an ending date. Good luck.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I attended a private LVN program at a vo-tech school and, yes, these types of schools are businesses in the strictest sense. The students are the customers, and the commodity being sold is an education that is marginally sufficient enough to pass the NCLEX on the first attempt.
My school had a board of directors and a CEO. In addition, the school admitted anyone who could pass the entrance exams, write a literate essay, and somehow pay for the schooling. Private school LPN education always has been and always will be a business venture, so I would just go with the flow.
Lovely_RN, MSN
1,122 Posts
The only thing that matters is the pass rate and you can't get any better than 100%.
OgopogoLPN, LPN, RN
585 Posts
I hope you can stick it out, but it's 100% of the reason I won't go to a private college for LPN, even if I don't get into my local community college. Nevermind that the private college tuition is $21,000 and the CC is $8,500
Thanks...Im learning to bite my tongue. I just have to get through this and MOVE ON :)
I was talking to some students at lunch today and Im not the only one upset with least I know Im not being rediculous. I just know that I have not gotten everything I have been instructed (noone can) and I had over 100% last semester.
I guess as long as I pass NCLEX, I will learn the rest in the field and clinicals for my BSN.
Thanks :caduceus:
Tell me about it. I am paying $20K, but I honestly had no other option
There was a local news story on tonight about private colleges in my province, BC. They have been unregulated since 2002 and many have closed their doors after poor attendance and student complaints.
I took my medical office admin course at a private college 12 years ago when I was very young and naive and that taught me my lesson.
So, even if I don't get into my local CC (only one in my city), I will NOT go to the private college in my city that offers it. I will keep applying to the CC and if I don't ever get in, my dream of being a nurse dies.
Not implying that you are young and naive about your school, but I hate seeing people go into these programs and be ripped off financially and see their dreams die due to terrible instruction. It's good to know that your school has such a great pass rate (as does the private college in my city that offers LPN), but I can't do it.
A woman I used to work with called a private college one day, just for curiosity and within a day or two was signed up for and student loan applied for medical office asistant and pharmacy tech. She paid I think over $13,000 in total and makes about $12/h. Ugh.
Good luck! I hope it works out! :)
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
Of course, the whole thing is a game. You have to just sit back, gain your experience and pass your boards. Who there will probably be no return of money, and according to what you say, they have a high rate of students that are passing. In one year, this nightmare can be overwith, and you can move on with your life to greener pastures.
447 Posts school is the complete opposite. we work for any and everything we get...some even flunked out!
75 Posts
I'm glad someone had the same feeling as I did going through private school. There were only about 5 of us out of 28 that were sane and had a brain!
There was major cheating each test until finally I went off and talked to the director about it. Our instructor was blind to it all. She finally rearranged seating, but come on-this is nursing school for adults, not grade school!
There was one student that refused to follow the dress code and wore black shoes to clinical. After having the nurses there question it, somehow the director found out about it and wrote her up. Then the next week she cheated by going into the bathroom to look up some answer's in the middle of the exam and was caught. She was kicked out of school - FINALLY! But now she's sueing the school! And this woman was 45 at least! She was constantly testing every rule!
I was in shock everyday what these students would try to get away with.
I got so tired of the lack of respect and the rudeness at clinical's and the cussing, dirty uniforms etc. But I graduated the end of Dec. and it was hard but I had to look beyond the immaturity and know probably 1/3 will not pass the NCLEX. Good thing because I wouldn't trust them as my nurse!
By the way, I had completed all but physiology for RN pre-req. at the local Jr. College but the wait list was 2 yrs! So I put out $18,000 to go here. The year was long but worth it in the long run. Took NCLEX 2/26 and just waiting for results.
Hang in there!