Published Aug 18, 2004
2,756 Posts
What is/was your least favorite subject in nursing school? I despised statistics. I took it over a summer, only course I took, 3 hours a day, five days a week, for three weeks. I studied another 45 (really, sometimes as many as eight hours a day) hours a week, had a peer tutor, and went in to the see the prof during office hours all three weeks. Squeaked through with a C-, which, truth be told, I probably didn't deserve. Maybe he just didn't want to see me during the fall, lol! A similar experience with Latin (why I chose to take that language is a long story, but let's just say I was misguided), but at least failing that course wouldn't have had such dire consequences.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
I've yet to take Statistics as it wasn't required for my ADN, but am planning on taking it Spring semeters, but won't even consider a condensed version.
But so far my least favorite course was Speech. Throughout each and every speech I was nervous and shakey. I made an A because I wrote great speeches and basically we all got As who put in the effort and got up there. But hated every minute of it.
abundantjoy07, RN
740 Posts
Math. Ugh.
rastanursern, MSN
156 Posts
14 Posts
I hated statistics, too. But chemistry isn't one of my favorites either... blehhhhhhch. :uhoh21:
2,029 Posts
Sociology. What a BORE!
1,334 Posts
Community Health Nursing... hated it hated it hated it!
262 Posts
Labor & delivery!
462 Posts
Stats was okay (ended with a B+), loved Chemistry but I hate A&P. Makes you wonder if I am choosing the right career.
63 Posts
I definitely agree with the Math haters, because I am not good at Math. I am average at *some* kinds of Math, such as Algebra, but when you don't enjoy a subject and aren't good at it, you do tend to resent the hours you have to put in to get a decent grade. Sociology, on the other hand, came easy to me. So even though the introductory course is a bit dull, because it made my life easier (one course I really didn't have to worry about in a semester of, if I recall correctly, four others that I did need to worry about) I did like it. I found Community Health Nursing very interesting; then again, I lived in an extremely diverse and interesting community at that time. L&D wasn't my favorite, either. We had to take Speech too, I don't recall the grade I got but it must not have been too traumatic since I have no horrible memories, lol.
BadBird, BSN, RN
1,126 Posts
Psych nursing was my least favorite, the clinicals were awful. To this day I hate taking care of psych patients.