Published Jul 12, 2008
380 Posts
Ugh!!!! I don't even know exactly how many Qs i got. It had to be somewhere around 140. I got like 15 SATA, a million pharm Q that I knew NOTHING about, about 5 calcs & a ton of prioritizing. I thought the question formats were very similar to kaplan qbank. What worries me is that the majority of the Qs i got seemed to be easy in format style but I still never knew what the answer was. I probably only knew 5 answers for sure. It scares me that it seemed so easy but I still couldn't answer it. My last question was a SATA. I got a 61% avg on all my qbank. I'm just gonna keep praying!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
SATA questions are only format style and do not determine if they are of a higher category or not; depends on what was being asked in the question.
Number of questions does not determine if one passes or not, best just to wait until you get your results.
Best of luck to you.
908 Posts
hey crazylilkelly,
[color=#483d8b]i am sending positive vibes your way, i am sure you did well. also remember, what you think is easy, may not be an "easy" question type for the computer and vice don't be hard on yourself.
[color=#483d8b]wish you all the best, and have a good weekend, try to anyway. :)
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Positive vibes being sent your way.:heartbeat
I just found out I passed the NCLEX today!
Please let us know how you did. I think the majority of people who take the NCLEX walk out feeling like they didn't pass, when in reality more people pass it than not. (85% I think is the number of people who pass on their first try)
the more i think about it, the more i'm conviced i failed. i think i was just too relaxed. hmm, i'm starting to get scared.
Do not think bad thoughts, everyone comes out of the exam and thinks that they did not make it; but the fact is that 85% pass the first time.
Do not think bad thoughts, everyone comes out of the exam and thinks that they did not make it; but the fact is that 85% pass the first time.Best of luck to you.
Thanks....obviously, it's easier said than done.
How does nclex determine what's a difficult Q vs. an easy one?
177 Posts
the easy questions are knowledged based and comprehension (which lung has two lobes? etc). the harder questions are application and analysis (i.e who would you see first, what pt. needs your immediate attention). hope this helps.
93 Posts
Very true, I even text message everybody right coming out of the test that "I failed" the I found out 2 days later that I passed. I am sure you passed
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
We know it is easier said than done but try to relax whilst waiting for your results
37 Posts
I'm with you, Crazylilkelly!! I walked out of there in a DAZE!! Had a TON of meds teaching questions, alot of priority, 5-6 SATA (that seemed like they should be easy to answer, but weren't to me), 2 med calcs... I'm praying for you...With any luck, we will be in the 85% who pass on the first try. Are you in a quick results state so you can find out your result tomorrow? Take care!!
Thanks. Thanks to all of you for your support!
Yup, I'm in a quick result state. But, I took i on a fri so that means I'llprob find out on tue (b/c they only count buisness days), right?