Just a quick question about your clinical schedule????


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Hi Everyone!

I'm a senior student and was just curious how my school compares with other schools.

We have no idea ever when we will find out our clinical placements; including days, hours, and hospital. Some semesters its weeks ahead of time and sometimes less than 1 week before starting.

So my question to all of you is how long before your semester starts do you find out your schedule?

Thanks in advance!

In my school we were able to choose from a list of clinical sites that were offered the semester before.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

We register for our clincals just like everyone else registers for classes - online when it opens for the semester. My school only admits 40 students once a year, so it's a small program. We all go on the same day, same hours, just spread out between 3 hospitals.

Specializes in L&D.

We find out way in advance of time. When we register for classes, it tells us what days clinicals will be(everyone has the same main days Mon/Fri this upcoming qtr with some Wed thrown in that will vary).

We usually know weeks before clinicals start(but at the end of each qtr, our teacher comes and lets us know what to expect, so in theory we know about a month to 6 weeks in advance).

Hi Everyone!

I'm a senior student and was just curious how my school compares with other schools.

We have no idea ever when we will find out our clinical placements; including days, hours, and hospital. Some semesters its weeks ahead of time and sometimes less than 1 week before starting.

So my question to all of you is how long before your semester starts do you find out your schedule?

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.

We give our choices at orientation, which was in June. We got our assignments the next day, and it includes every clinical until winter break.

Hi...i am in an ADN evening program in NJ and entering my second semester which begins on August 30th. i've known which hospital i am going to and what nights/time i will be there since the last day of my first semester.

i understand that both pressure and stress comes with the territory but reallly?! Sorry that you have to wait so long.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Thats what I thought... I really hate that about my school. We register for classes early in advance but don't find out our clinical schedule only a week or so before we start. It make sthings so hard for me and we have no choice once we find out too.

We found out at our first informational meeting in April (we start Aug. 20th). The instructors assign us into sections (there are 6) so we know then when and where we have clinicals. Although mine was changed at the last minute from fridays to thursdays. But our entire schedule wasn't known til a couple weeks ago.

We know at the beginnning of the semester which hospital we will do all our clinicals at for that semester. We get our patient assignments when we get to the hospital on our clinical days. We meet in a private area and get a report from our instructor on our patient for that clinical day!!!

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/LDRP/Ortho ASC.

We don't get a choice of time or location...usually during the first week of class we just get handed a schedule.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

We always got a schedule of when roughly at the beginning of each semester.Times and locations we usually found out a week or two before the clinicals actually started.

I'm taking the BScN program, and we found out our information mid to late August, so hopefully within the next two weeks. From what I hear, usually you start the program, you learn your basic skills, then after a while (depending on your grades) you can choose where you'd want to do your placement. Usually our placements in first year are at a nursing home. We don't start hospital placements till probably late 2nd year, or third year.

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