I am wondering if anyone out there has concerns about the use of IV fentanyl on a general med/surg unit for pain. We have been debating this issue in our hospital for months. Physicians are pressuring administration to allow them to order it for any pain situations they want. Many of us Med/Surg nurses believe that the literature supports our reluctance to push IV fentanyl to patients that we may not be able to monitor closely in a 1:1 setting. The literature says IV fentanyl is used in anesthesia and sedation type settings...where patients are monitored very closely and people are trained in airway management. Our doctors are alway giving "ranges" of amount and frequency that leave a lot to nursing judgement. It is frightening to think of our junior nurses managing this medication. We are not afraid to IV push meds like MS or dilaudid as they do not "read" like fentanyl in the medication literature. Duragesic patches and Actiq are acceptable methods of delivering Fentanyl on a med/surg unit that we are happy to use.
We have been told we need to develop a "time line" to bring the IV method of delivering fentanyl to the med/surg unit. Therefore, we need to know how other institutions are handling this drug. Is it treated differently than IV morphine or dilaudid in your institution? Do nurses need ACLS or extra training? Do patients have monitors on them like oximetry?