Published May 15, 2015
35 Posts
This post is not as nursing related as I would like it to be, as I am only a student, but it does relate to stress management. The management of my stress specifically.
I am reading about some of the ways that the other members manage stress, and I thought I would share mine. I find that often times just typing out my stressful situation offers some relief. Usually I don't share it with anyone but my wife, but this particular story would break her heart. So, I am sharing it on here, and maybe my method will prove helpful to others.
It is a little long, but here we go.
It takes a lot to make me angry, and I take great pride in my ability to remain calm and collected through almost every situation. This is a skill that I know will prove to be a valuable asset in my future career as a nurse, but unfortunately, I do have my limits.
After a long day at work followed by some study time at the library, I met up with my wife and daughter at the pool for my daughters first mom and tot swimming lesson. Both of them were excited to swim and I took a seat with the other parents and grandparents to watch. My daughter was so excited about her new swimsuit, she couldn't stop smiling and it was great to watch them both enjoying the pool. Sadly, my enjoyment only lasted a few brief minutes.
My mood drastically changed just minutes into the lesson when the two elderly women sitting behind me started talking. Talking loudly. Talking loudly with the obvious intent to draw the attention of everyone around. They felt that their opinions were just so important that they needed to be broadcast to the world. And the world was forced to awkwardly listen.
Now I am sure that these two ladies have some class tucked away somewhere, but from where I was sitting that class was well hidden.
These women were terrible. I was shocked at the incredibly vulgar things to say about every aspect of my wife, and I have worked in construction. From her smile to her weight, they covered it all. Loudly pointing out her hideous hairstyle (which she just had done yesterday, and looks GREAT by the way), her feet, the colour of her swim suit, and of course, her "disgusting" tattoo. In addition, her lip ring makes her look like a "drooly and droopy lipped slob" and she is a "pathetic excuse for a mother".
As I said before, it takes a lot to make me angry and by this point I was shaking in it.
After twenty three minutes of these classless gas-bags talking about my wife, I stood up and looked down at them.
I wanted to point out the fact that together, their wrinkled shrunken heads resembled a blue pubed nut-sac, but I didn't. I wanted to hurt them as much as it would hurt my wife to hear the things they were saying. I wanted to be as terrible as they were. But I couldn't. No one deserves that. Not even them.
Instead, I looked down at the pair and calmly asked "are you two ladies almost done talking about my wife?".
I swear, it was just like the movies when the crowd turned to look at them with disgust.
I took a deep breath, sat down, and waved at my smiling family who will never ever hear of this.
It takes a lot to make me angry, and I take great pride in my ability to remain calm and collected through almost every situation. Although there were no "winners" in this particular situation, I didn't lose..... my cool at least. And that means something. At least it does to me.
Lev, MSN, RN, NP
4 Articles; 2,805 Posts
Wow love that story. Epic. Would have loved to be there. :)
Great job!
Hygiene Queen
2,232 Posts
I hope you feel better getting that out.
Absolutely disgusting.
Sometimes the ones we love have no idea what we do or hold inside to protect them.
You sound like a gem.
39 Posts
To be honest, sounds like they were jealous.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
You, sir, are a classy gentleman.
Your wife and family are VERY lucky to have you.
57 Posts
You are such a awesome husband to stand up for your wife that way.
Not every man would do that.
Pat yourself on the back, you did good.
23 Posts
I love this story. I'd like to say that I would NEVER talk about someone that way but after all I am human. This makes me think twice when I go to judge people outloud and if anything this story will make me a better person. Think before you speak. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Simple reminders that can make a huge difference in life. Thank you for your story, it reminds me of how easy it is to be judgemental and ruin someones nice day and how I NEVER want to be that person.
20 Posts
I think it's great you handled that situation so well!
Those women must be extremely unhappy in life to say such nasty things about someone who is having a good day with her baby. I don't post on here a lot lately - but what they did was just ridiculous I had to say something.
60 Posts
You have an incredible amount of self control. I strive to as well, but cannot say that I would have handled the situation as gracefully as you did. Good for you! If you would have stood up yelling and cursing at these two old shrews, you would have only cut yourself down to their pathetically low level.
Self control is sooo hard to master at times! Now, if they had also been speaking ill of my children, I can pretty much guarantee there would have been a loud and ugly scene. Heck, even if it was someone else's children that I didn't even know.....I do not tolerate ignorance towards children, no exceptions.
Thanks for sharing!
Annie Wilkes RN
54 Posts
Shame on them. And you are wonderful.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
I think your lack of retort was much more effective than sinking to their level. Your wife and children would be proud.
Tenebrae, BSN, RN
2,010 Posts
I think you handled that most awesomely.
Reminds me of a being in the fabric store and the check out chick said to the lady infront of me at the fabric counter "excuse me ma'am you may want to pop around to X counter as it will be quicker"
This lady chose to take umbrige. I would have left it however she turned around to me and started bad mouthing this check out chick in a very loud voice........ I smiled sweetly and said "she was trying to help you and you were fairly mean and horrible to her"
She "but I wanted to go through this counter"
Me "thats fine, however being so horribe to someone who was only trying to help you is not ok. To then bag them out to another customer where they can clearly hear you is doubly not on. Had she been rude to you I would have been the first person to stand up for you but she wasnt"
I like to hope that lady will think twice before she tries that again