I've been reading through several posts on here about nurses caught diverting, i.v. drugs and pills, got arrested and still have a job or find a job. i'm not trying to judge anyone at all, for who am I to judge?? I self reported because of (all misdemeanors) dui's and one pot possession (half a joint) and a disorderly (called police to have bf removed from house and they arrested both of us.) I was a weekend warrior drinker. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, I have a drinking problem. I would go weeks without drinking, no cravings. I was the type that self medicated bouts of depression and boredom with alcohol. i smoked pot occasionally. never have i been addicted to pills, or other illegal substances..... or i.v. drugs.
What amazes me is, the posts i was reading, these nurses who are caught stealing from their employers and patients, whether it's pills or iv drugs, are working!!!! i am in the IPN program for Florida. this is my 9th month on a 5 yr contract. most of the nurses in my weekly support group were diverters and they are all working.... i have applied to so many hospitals its crazy. i am not saying i'm better than anyone but..... i never went to work intoxicated, or had a dirty pee test, i never stole from my employer or patients. i self reported. WHY CAN'T I WORK TOO???? i know these hospitals have hired these diverting nurses. why can't i be hired too??? i feel like i'm treated unfairly..... how is my situation worse? if i were a manager, i would rather hire someone who did not steal from their employer or patients......or who was addicted to pills and iv drugs. please don't get angry at me, i'm not trying to say i'm better, it's just seems unfair somehow......
i am so frustrated..... i feel potential employers judge me and i am no better than a murderer or child molester....... sorry for the rant... just needed to vent