Updated: Published
A coworker had a one-hour antibiotic infusion scheduled for 0600. She opted to hang it at 0635 so it wouldn't finish at an inopportune time during the 0700-0730 shift change. Another coworker indicated that this was seriously inappropriate of her. They even said, "Well, it's your license on the line," implying that action could be taken against her license.
I'm really curious what could possibly be wrong with this. An antibiotic scheduled for 0600 can be started any time between 0500 and 0700 (at this hospital at least) and still be considered on time. I don't see any reason why the person who hung the antibiotic has to be the one to saline-lock afterwards. It's not like you have to stay with and continuously monitor the patient during antibiotic infusions. If that were the rule we would have a 1 to 1 nurse-to-patient ratio.
Does anybody agree with this other nurse? Is there something I'm missing that makes what the nurse did horrible?