Inventions we'd love to see....

Nurses General Nursing


What a pain it is for a patient to get finger pokes every hour on an insulin gtt. (We aren't allowed to pull off an art line for samples) Why hasn't someone invented a little finger heparin pad thingy or a finger port to keep a small ooze available? :studyowl:

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

What other inventions would you like to see?

:lol2: How about equipment that runs without the cords. Maybe I wouldn't be tripping all the time![/quote']

Or if you can't go cordless, at least have the electrical outlets located waist level (at least) in a convenient location, instead of behind the beside lockers. I'm actually very strongly in favor of architects being assigned to spend a week with a nurse BEFORE they design a hospital/unit.


Liquid calcium? How about a good tasting potassium. Wow! Have any of you gotten one of those horse pills caught half way down your swallow box? My doc says chew them, my dentist says don't you dare.

I just drink OJ and hope my K+ stays somewhere near normal.

Specializes in ICU, Education.

I would like a dictaphone type thingy that nurses can wear (head set) and dictate what they do- and this is the documetation. Boy how much time would that save (especially on your crumping patients)

Specializes in ICU, CCU, Trauma, neuro, Geriatrics.

A scanner for the ER doorway to identify drug seekers and hang-nail whiners. It could scan like a CT scanner and identify the mind set of the patient. It would also reject the 15 family members just looking for free meal tickets and bus passes to get back home once they foul our bathrooms after the free food.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Great inventions!! =)

How about a bed that turns patients? As in, shifts their weight from side to side so that we don't have to break our backs doing it?

Okay, I actually think these are already available, but how about a more inexpensive version so that they are more WIDELY available!

Here's a new position I've invented. Official doctor-caller. Person who's only job all night long is to make all calls to the MD's. Person is an RN, of course. We give them all the info they need, they call the doctor and get orders.

Specializes in Cardiac.

A pulse-ox type probe that measures glucose instead of O2.

Teflon incorporated into scrubs so the vomit just slides right off.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.
A pulse-ox type probe that measures glucose instead of O2.

I've heard they are working on one of those.

I want a can of aerosolized Ativan in a Can. phssst!

Specializes in ICU, Education.

LOL... Can of aerosal ativan! Yeah that.

Hmm....Maybe a suppository gun to get the slipperly little bullet in the right place? hee hee

Specializes in EC, IMU, LTAC.

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

My parents used to do rescue work in Bangladesh and India, and they said that such a contraption exists for people with cholera.
Specializes in Med/Surg.

Force Field button that deflects random flying objects (for the ever pleasent ETOHers, Dementia, or the just plain Combative Patients) body fluids and sharps. Maybe a micro-chip for the dirty old men who like to get "grabby". When they reach for a nurse's butt, the nurse can press a button and the patient will get a little jolt!! Heehee!!! I'm soooo going to hell for that one!!:lol2:

Specializes in EC, IMU, LTAC.

Private stenographers everywhere who can record what was really said, as to discourage lawsuit-happy people.

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