Inventions we'd love to see....

Nurses General Nursing


What a pain it is for a patient to get finger pokes every hour on an insulin gtt. (We aren't allowed to pull off an art line for samples) Why hasn't someone invented a little finger heparin pad thingy or a finger port to keep a small ooze available? :studyowl:

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

What other inventions would you like to see?

Specializes in pure and simple psych.

I'd like to see spray bottles of food flavors, so patients on G or J tubes get a taste of bacon, toast, chicken soup, etc. while others eat.

An invisible mask so when the patient has a BM or vomits of who has not showered in days you don't die trying to hold your breath or don't look like an idiot having to don a big mask.

An instant cure for smelly feet that does not involve having to physically touch them (nothing better then that homeless drunk who has not washed his feet in days or weeks)taking off his shoes.

And lordie, can't we PLEASE find an easy to swallow or crush Kcl or Calcium....those poor old folks! Hello Klor Con...sheesh! You have to have the throat of an elephant to take those..especially 4 of them! LOL!!!!!!!

There is liquid calcium available. Many health food stores either have it or can order it. Haven't seen it in a hospital though. Would be nice.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

I want a jonnie gown that velcros fall-risk patients to the bed.

I want a rolling, padded bubble that will only go 25' in one direction, then auto-turn back, for the restless, confused patients who want to walk the halls.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

I want a prn pain pill dispenser at the bedside that auto-records each dose and won't dispense if it's not time for a/o X3 PITAs.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

It should also be a state law that every legislator and hospital CEO and facility Administrator must spend 5 days in the ER Hold.


With Bowel Prep orders.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

OK, so that wasn't an invention. But it's still a pretty good idea.

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, critial care.
There is liquid calcium available. Many health food stores either have it or can order it. Haven't seen it in a hospital though. Would be nice.

We have it at our facility. I mix it with juice since the taste is terrible.

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro.
:lol2: How about equipment that runs without the cords. Maybe, I wouldn't be tripping all the time!

How about a light CPM machine!

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

IV poles with self-cleaning wheels so that all 5 wheels would roll instead of 3 that roll and 2 that clog with hair and crap.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Stain-repelling linen. How many sheets and pads have you gotten out of the rack for the pt. only to find some big brown mystery stain smack in the middle (ok it's really not a mystery...)?

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