Inventions we'd love to see....

Nurses General Nursing


What a pain it is for a patient to get finger pokes every hour on an insulin gtt. (We aren't allowed to pull off an art line for samples) Why hasn't someone invented a little finger heparin pad thingy or a finger port to keep a small ooze available? :studyowl:

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

What other inventions would you like to see?

How about a bed that automatically goes back down to lowest level???? It would have sensors on all sides so that when nothing was in front of them, the bed would go right back down to lowest level automatically...(the same idea as the water faucetts that come on by sensors, or the toilets that flush by sensors) because a hospital I did clinicals at used to write up workers for forgetting to put the bed back down to lowest level ...... AND how about a bed that goes up high enough so tall people don't kill their backs by bending over the bed.....:uhoh3:

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Cannot agree more with the aerosol ativan. Maybe also aerosol xanax,and haldol.

Someone mentioned a voicemail that families can call to get a update. We use that at my hospital and it is called voice care. Family can give the pass code and pt ID to anyone they want to be able to access info. Only 2 family members can call for info to the nurses station. Useful unless famlies resuse it or don't speak english.

I would like a portable CT machine to that I don't have to take a pt on a vent, with camino or ventric or spinal drain, and IV's and CVP and Swan and Art line, down to CT or worse MRI. Also why can't we have a portable MRI machine. Traveling with pts sucks when they are on vents and drips.

We also have Hill rom versa care beds and they can tilt pts onto their sides. I just figured this out the ohter night when I couldn't figure out why my pt was constantly leaning to the right. We also have beds that have the trap door for stool. Since I am on a neuro icu we also have rota beds. We also have the sport beds that will turn a pt and do chest pt.

yeah your right. I don't think that is too much to ask. If they only knew the time it takes to read orders or signatures or find someone who can.:uhoh3: :idea:

we have a doctor who types everything up on his computer(H&P Plan assesssment and medication and discharge instructions and he is an ER doc . Amazing

We love him

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