Inventions we'd love to see....

Nurses General Nursing


What a pain it is for a patient to get finger pokes every hour on an insulin gtt. (We aren't allowed to pull off an art line for samples) Why hasn't someone invented a little finger heparin pad thingy or a finger port to keep a small ooze available? :studyowl:

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

What other inventions would you like to see?

How about a nursing care plan designed that actually serves some useful purpose and isn't just a waste of paper and time!?

Specializes in NICU.
I'd like to see non-slippery sterile gloves. Why, you may ask? So when a 35-weeker decides to be born like a torpedo out of the chamber, the med-student catching her doesn't give her her first bungee cord experience.....

Can't the gloves have some sort of material on them that would give SOME kind of traction, so docs (and med-students) can ....get a grip? heh.. :D

On that note, I'd like good stretchy non-latex sterile gloves. The ones we have (in a latex-free facility, which I like bc I'm allergic to latex) only come in S/M/L, and they're crizzapy!

Specializes in Med/Surg and LTC.
A doctor with decent handwriting and a signature that you can actually read his/her name. Usually it's just some type of scribbly mark & it's like a word guessing game around the unit trying to figure out what was written & who wrote it. We have one doctor that stamps his name next to his orders...why can't the others do that?

yeah your right. I don't think that is too much to ask. If they only knew the time it takes to read orders or signatures or find someone who can.:uhoh3: :idea:

Yeah, what is up with the beeping pulse ox's? I can read the numbers, thank you very much.

And a huge second to whoever suggested the glucose monitor probe.

How about a nursing care plan designed that actually serves some useful purpose and isn't just a waste of paper and time!?

Forget about it.

I Would Like A Machine To Check Resp Rate

I want a room deodorizer than can cover any smell. I mean GI bleeds too. It wouldn't leave any chemical odor behind either.

Specializes in MICU, ER, SICU, Home Health, Corrections.
YES! I wonder if this will ever become a reality in nursing. It is a frequent complaint of patients.

I thought of another IV starter machine that has a sensor to help find veins on the edematous/obese patient with no palpable veins!:idea:

The vein finders have been around for a few years already. :)

Specializes in MICU, ER, SICU, Home Health, Corrections.
I Would Like A Machine To Check Resp Rate

Been around for years, built into the monitors, apnea monitors, belted piezo-electric sensors, nasal temp monitoring built into nasal cannulas, air pressure gradient in cannulas, EMG sensing as part of the 5-lead monitor systems, etc. Just take your pick!

Well, besides the automatic pt turner, I'd like to see the automatic patient booster. Maybe could be based on a sort of conveyor belt technology...

When they slip down, just hit the button, and the belt starts up, and moves them back up in bed! Of course, one would want to make sure they are not boosted up and onto the floor!



And maybe a device that administers a very low level shock for the patient trying to rip out their IV/NG tube/G tube/PICC line/Foley.

Specializes in MICU, ER, SICU, Home Health, Corrections.
And maybe a device that administers a very low level shock for the patient trying to rip out their IV/NG tube/G tube/PICC line/Foley.

Dang, you took my answer to your bed-booster system

Electric leggings and a solid footboard.... :lol2:

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