Inventions we'd love to see....

Nurses General Nursing


What a pain it is for a patient to get finger pokes every hour on an insulin gtt. (We aren't allowed to pull off an art line for samples) Why hasn't someone invented a little finger heparin pad thingy or a finger port to keep a small ooze available? :studyowl:

And how about beds with a detachable center hole under the patient's bum so we can slide a bucket underneath too catch poo? hee hee

What other inventions would you like to see?

Specializes in Emergency room, ICU, Med/Surg.

how about wireless such a pain to patient and staff to work around all those wires for cardiac leads, bp cuff, pulse ox, ect.

I figure if they can make an Epi-Pen, why not a Haldol-pen?

Call bell with timer and zapper, if pt rings again within less than say five minutes of it being answered they get a zap.

To prevent pt's from being neglected, pull-ups and incontinence that scream "I'm wet!"

Peri-wash that actually washes.

I love the "Ativan in a can" idea.

Specializes in ER.
how about wireless such a pain to patient and staff to work around all those wires for cardiac leads, bp cuff, pulse ox, ect.

Yes yes yes!!! Would love to just slap on the electrodes, throw on a BP cuff not attached to any wires, and a sticky little bandaid thing around the finger (which would actually stay on as opposed to most pulse oxes) and it would automatically transmit signals to the monitor screen/box thingy. If they can have wireless internet and cell phone headsets, I'm sure they could do it for the medical profession. Of course then in a perfect world we would have to have healthcare facilities actually willing to pay for such equipment.

I want a can of aerosolized Ativan in a Can. phssst!

For patients and their families! :banghead:

My co-workers and I would like a time clock that would dispence Ativan or Xanax to us when we clock in. But by far the best invention would be the Ativan in a can or Ativan that can be used in something like a vaporizor or neb machine!!

A pain detector!!! I'd like to see a gaget you just touch to a pt's skin and it tells if and how much pain they actually have!!!

Valium, Ativan, or Haldol licks for those in the waiting room. Mandatory use for all patients who have more than two visitors with them! Breathalyzers for the nurses to use and equipment alarms that delivered shocks if anyone tries to remove it from the ER!

We use rotobeds for patients that are in cervical traction or have unstable spines...they rotate to whatever degree you set them at, and have a trapdoor for bowel issues. Neat!

Specializes in Emergency, Orthopaedics, plastics.
YES! I wonder if this will ever become a reality in nursing. It is a frequent complaint of patients.

I thought of another IV starter machine that has a sensor to help find veins on the edematous/obese patient with no palpable veins!:idea:

Try using a Transilluminatior. I use the Venoscope to very good effect on my difficult sticks

check it out at

Specializes in PCU, Critical Care, Observation.

A doctor with decent handwriting and a signature that you can actually read his/her name. Usually it's just some type of scribbly mark & it's like a word guessing game around the unit trying to figure out what was written & who wrote it. We have one doctor that stamps his name next to his orders...why can't the others do that?

A doctor with decent handwriting and a signature that you can actually read his/her name. Usually it's just some type of scribbly mark & it's like a word guessing game around the unit trying to figure out what was written & who wrote it. We have one doctor that stamps his name next to his orders...why can't the others do that?

DITTO ON THIS ONE:monkeydance:

Not an invention, just a suggestion. President Bush & all politicians should have to spend a week- (using another name) in their local VA hospital. Maybe then there would be improvements & patients would actually receive the care they deserve!! Maybe there are some good ones, but overall I think our veterans get treated horribly!! The veterans should be receiving the BEST care, w/the best equipment & technology available.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
President Bush & all politicians should have to spend a week- (using another name) in their local VA hospital.

Yeah but our luck, that hospital would be one of the ones in better shape, and the problems still wouldn't be seen.

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