international autosource

World UK


Hi there folks,

i just wondered if any of you have had any experiance of the above named company for obtaining your car on arrival to the USA?

i recieved some information about them from OGP in a relocation pack

in the pack it states that they can obtain USA finance for you on a brand new car/truck, which seems competitively priced, this will go a long way to starting a USA credit history.

They deliver the car on arrival the tag and insurance are taken care of by them, it seems to make the buying process less hassle (one less thing to think about)

any opinions?????

am off to town now to get my international driving licence- hurrah!!

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.
I want a convertable bug! :) Small but damn cute!!!;)

I would love to have one but they are bloody expensive they start at around $22000-I know cheaper than the UK before you get here but when you get here dollars are like pounds. I forget where you are going to live but dont forget Air con, tinted glass and desert paint treatment. If you dont have the treatment your car peels:lol2: from sun burn

Oh yeah the biggest con-when you buy a secondhand car you dont pay the price on the window they add all sorts of taxes and here in AZ it adds up to aprox 10%

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Oh yeah computers are another thing-you buy the computer and then build all the softwear in, unlike the Uk when you get most of the softwear as part of a package-still cheaper than back home though. I bought a cheap laptop $700 the finished price was $1000

OK here's my 2cents!

We have been in TX for 5months now, with a different agency- not OGP.

We got our car through International Auto Source and they have been fantastic! The car was ready when we arrived, all we had to pay was the sales we took along about $1,500 and drove the car away. The licence plates arrived in the mail approx 10 days later. The price was about the same as if we had bought it when we arrived, but we were able to get finiance through IAS, which has helped our credit ratings.

Their insurance is really well priced too, they also offer life insurance, home insurance and medical insurance, all at VERY competitive prices. We have just renewed ours with them (insurance runs for 6mths here, not for the full year like in the UK)

Of all the things we sorted out before we left the UK, this has been the least hassle and the most succesfull. I would recommend International Auto Source to everyone.

In TX you have 3 months to get your drivers license, you do need your SS# before you can do the driving test, which was insanely easy by the way. (you can get the car through IAS without the ss#)

The SS# takes about 4 weeks after application to arrive, so don't expect to be working as soon as you arrive in the country. Bring enough money with you so that you can live off it for atleast 6 weeks....more in my case but that's another story!

Hope this helps somebody!

Specializes in renal,peritoneal dialysis, medicine.

fantastic, we are just waiting for a quote

what car did you buy through them?

Ford escape XLS. We are really pleased with it. It's a 2.6L and does well on gas....we put about $60 a week into it, but we do A LOT of miles in it (as everyone here does) If I was buying again I would look at the Hybrid.

(it looks a bit worse for wear now though, I was rear ended by a HUMMER yesterday, luckily, neither of us was moving very fast so, no iinjuries, just to the car.....and Int'l auto souce's insurance co have been very helpfull so far....but the Hummer admitted it was hi fault, so it will go through his insurance anyway)

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Kheynurse-that is great advice because car buying is so much hassle.


I also bought my car through international autosource.They were very helpful.The only problem with their finance at that time was they wanted a reference from someone already in the US.I didn't know anyone.I bought my car for cash and collected it a week after my arrival.My meet and greet was great and ferried me around for the first week.I had to wait 5 weeks to sit my driving test as my social security number took that long to arrrive.

I have done the driving test in Arizona and also here in California.The California test was more like the UK test.It is done in two parts on two separate days.

I would recommend IAS to anyone coming out and I know my friend was happy with their insurance.


Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I also bought my car through international autosource.They were very helpful.The only problem with their finance at that time was they wanted a reference from someone already in the US.I didn't know anyone.I bought my car for cash and collected it a week after my arrival.My meet and greet was great and ferried me around for the first week.I had to wait 5 weeks to sit my driving test as my social security number took that long to arrrive.

I have done the driving test in Arizona and also here in California.The California test was more like the UK test.It is done in two parts on two separate days.

I would recommend IAS to anyone coming out and I know my friend was happy with their insurance.


Hey not heard from you in ages how are you doing


I am fine thank you. I can't believe I have been here for almost a year. I am about to move house at the end of next week.I want a bigger apartment.Yes, I have bought that much stuff!

How is life in Phoenix? I have heard bits on the news recently.I also know that it is about 15 degrees hotter than here.You weren't joking about the need for air con.An absolute necessity!

I should warn people of a snag I have just discovered.I checked my credit report as I was moving, and discovered that as Experian couldn't trace me when I first arrived, they just merged me with someone else with the same name! I got someone elses complete financial details,SSN, phone number,DOB, the lot.My credit card details,number,payment record and balance appear in her report.Now I have to take up a dispute with them and the 2 other companies to separate us.Please, everyone, check your records after a few months, rather than just when you need something.

I aniticipated and got some snags when I first arrived but never thought this would be a problem.


Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I am fine thank you. I can't believe I have been here for almost a year. I am about to move house at the end of next week.I want a bigger apartment.Yes, I have bought that much stuff!

How is life in Phoenix? I have heard bits on the news recently.I also know that it is about 15 degrees hotter than here.You weren't joking about the need for air con.An absolute necessity!

I should warn people of a snag I have just discovered.I checked my credit report as I was moving, and discovered that as Experian couldn't trace me when I first arrived, they just merged me with someone else with the same name! I got someone elses complete financial details,SSN, phone number,DOB, the lot.My credit card details,number,payment record and balance appear in her report.Now I have to take up a dispute with them and the 2 other companies to separate us.Please, everyone, check your records after a few months, rather than just when you need something.

I aniticipated and got some snags when I first arrived but never thought this would be a problem.


Hey I had a massive car wreck and havent worked since feb, can you believe it.

hey scotjan, nice to hear from you again, pleased that you are settling here, we have been to northern cali, and reno and am now in pheonix. keep in touch.


Madwife, I read in your insurance post about your accident.I hope you and your family are recovering well.It must be difficult to have been off work since February.Your post made me check my policy.Then i learned that in California some uninsured motorist cover is the law.

Cariad, you seem to be getting around doing the travel nurse thing properly now.Most travel nurses I come into contact don't travel anywhere! Do you plan to keep moving?


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