Insurance - The Latest Outrage


It's time to choose insurance for next year, as you likely know. Where I work, we have 4 categories of worker:

Worker Only - about $30 per month for medical and Rx

Worker and Spouse - about $180

Worker and Child(ren) - about $53

Worker, Spouse, and - about $310


So married people get seriously punished for being married.

What do you think of this?

I think it's kind of crummy that your employer is choosing to pass on such a disproportionate premium to married employees.

A lot of folks always blame the insurance company for high premiums and lousy coverage when it is the employer who chooses the plans they will offer and how much of the cost is passed on the the employee.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

Its probably that they pay for a high% of your sand none of your spouse's, and children at usually cheaper.

Specializes in ED.

How do married people get punished for being married? It's probably still cheaper to cover a spouse then it would be for an individual single person to get their own insurance.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Med-Surg/ED.

That sounds cheap compared to what I will have to pay for spouse/family coverage!! Where I work the cost has gone up over 30%! From what I've been told things are going to get worse due to new gov't mandates that are coming in daily. For one thing, employers can be outrageously taxed for offering 'too many' benefits to employees. In Massachusetts anyone w/out insurance has to pay for COBRA ($500/mo/pp) or pay fines to the state. If you want to see the future of healthcare reform, just look to Massachusetts- it's not pretty!

Sadly this is true- someone has to pay for healthcare 'reform' and that will be in the form of taxes, and higher private insurance paid for by working people- which technically isn't raising taxes!! :angryfire

Specializes in LTC, Acute Care.

Let's trade, for crying in the corn! We pay over $500 a month (married with children), our deductible is $2000 per person, and then my prescriptions alone cost at least $70 a month when I'm not sick.

Wow! That's cheap! Jump at it! I paid $800 a month for the past 5 years for me and 2 teenage kids. I just now joined the ranks of the uninsured, but kept insurance on the has come down to having a roof over our head or homeless and me have health insurance. That's with a $50 copay for OV and over $80 mth for prescriptions. Some mths I spent over $1000 a mth between premiums, copays and deductibles. All this was paid to a FOR PROFIT company.

And who says we don't need an affordable health care option offered by the government?

Specializes in home health, dialysis, others.

Here's what you are NOT seeing/saying - - Insurance cost is actually about 150 per adult, your employer picks up 120 for YOU, leaving you with only 30/month for yourself. Employer does not have to pay anything towards your spouse or kids. And, unless you have kids w/chronic illness, in general adults use more healthcare dollars. I would gladly pay that LITTLE!

Specializes in ER.

That's less than 1/2 of what I pay for my family and I. Be thankful you have insurance at such a reasonable cost. I am not a nurse yet, but I expect my rates to remain somewhat similar to what I pay now.

Specializes in Mixed Level-1 ICU.

"'t mandates that are coming in daily."

What are you taking about, coming in daily?

Get the facts and stop the opinionating.

Specializes in Mixed Level-1 ICU.

Actually, anyone complaining about premiums and dissing a "gov't run health plan" need only know that premiums rise because your non-gov't health plan needs fatter profits every year...and that's why they are fighting tooth and nail against the public option--they don't want any competition that might force them to lower their prices and play the game the way it is supposed to be played in a capitalists society.

They want to eat their cake and your cake, too.


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