I'm Stumped

Specialties School


Ok, the condensed version...

This past month I've had 2 4th grade girls fake getting their first period as a way to get out of class and possibly be sent home.

I am not sure how to proceed. I do not want to embarrass either one of them, but I feel it should be addressed. Both girls will try anything to get out of class.

What would you do?

Now if you want to stay on task, you'll need vetiver, not peppermint oil

These dudes? What, do you just wring them out and take the oil?

Official website of the band Vetiver, fronted by Andy Cabic.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

well, the one guy is kinda cute... i'd be a bit distracted if he were around...

Specializes in kids.
You people are sick and wrong. :inlove:

Yet...you love us!

Specializes in kids.
Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
So sorta kinda back on topic...

When I was in school (I think it was grade school) it was discovered that someone had apparently taken a used pad and rubbed it on the walls (eww) in the girl's room. We girls were rounded up and admonished by the school nurse. When no one would admit to being the guilty party, the nurse indicated that she could go around and "check" to see which of us were menstruating.


While it never happened, I can only imagine the outcry and lawsuits that would have ensued. Yikes. On a lot of levels.

I attended public schools (two different systems) and some of the things that happened were way out there...


I'm picturing myself with these girls lined up and I'm pacing back and forth, arms crossed over my chest and threatening to check them for menstruating, aka "shark week."

All 4'11" of me looking up at them with my serious, angry look. I am basically "Anger" from the Inside Out movie on the rare occasion that I get serious with the kids.

Specializes in School Nurse.

I would speak with the 4th grade team or any team that seem to abuse the nurse's pass - "Hi team, this is what I have noticed and are you aware of how much time your students are not here?" Speak specifically about the frequent flyers and see if they are trying to miss a particular instruction.

For the girls, have you spoken with the parents? Warn the girls that you are going to do this - "I am concerned that you come here so much - in fact you have spent 3? hours in the nurse's office instead of in school, what do you think your parents would say?" "I think you may need to see a gynecologist to see if there is something wrong." This may scare the heck out of them. Also discuss that this will be an issue for most of their lives and they should prepare and have these things in their backpack and not spend the extra time going to the nurse. Also the threat of parent/nurse/student conference. Hope that helps.

I think a conversation with the parents are in order. Maybe there is something going on in the class they are uncomfortable with.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

The stuff you school nurses deal with is always both surprising and entertaining.

The stuff you school nurses deal with is always both surprising and entertaining.

It IS!!!

Boston, check out the Lavender thread.

What do you think of essential oils being used as treatment for disease?


Man, back in my day they didn't even tell us what periods WERE until 5th grade. And if anybody had theirs before then they didn't tell a SOUL because news like that travels fast. Kids these days.

Specializes in PCCN.

As an outsider( not a school nurse) I have to say OMG! to those clips Hahah!

I am so glad I don't have daughters

Since when does getting your period get you sent home?That's a new one.

Much thanks to the school nurses out there.

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