I'm Not Flaky, Lazy, Or Stupid...

I have ADHD. Not the cool Tom Cruise/Ty Pennington kind, where you can act out and make lots of money, either. I have the kind where people label you as stupid, flaky, and lazy. I wanted people to have an idea of how it feels to never be in control of your own life. To get a glimpse of the nightmare of doing your best, and never, ever being good enough. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

I have been pretty vocal in my defense of ADHD sufferers in some threads recently, so it will probably not surprise you that I have it, and a pretty bad case.

Most people that I know don't "believe" in ADHD. They think it is a case of "boys will be boys," whatever meaning that holds for them, or that "she's just a daydreamer."

Some people think back to that one hyperactive kid, the one who got in trouble all the time in the first grade because he couldn't conform to the structure of a classroom, when they picture someone with ADHD.

Some people have a slightly clearer view and know that there are different kinds of ADHD. They know that some sufferers act out and that some seem to be in their own world.

The rare few who understand the condition know that it is a serious mental illness. Statistically, boys tend to get the more outgoing, hyperactive, aggressive types of it. Girls tend to get the inattentive, daydreaming types.

I have the inattentive kind of ADHD. To see me, I look normal. I even act normally, most of the time.

However, the things that go on in my head... {shudder}

My symptoms started showing when I was four. I constantly lost things. I would put on mismatched everything. I would wander off in the mall when things caught my attention. I got left behind a few times because I was enthralled and didn't hear my parents. I had a hard time following directions and would forget what someone had just said to me. My parents thought I must have a hearing problem.

So my first test was a hearing test. I passed that, pretty easily. My hearing was fine. My parents assumed that I needed more discipline and structure, that I was just flaky and a little absent-minded. It helped, a little, although my behind would never be the same.

I started kindergarten and did pretty well. They expect you to be flighty there.

First grade... not so much. I was a smart kid and could do the schoolwork, but I had problems with impulsivity and remembering to turn things in. My name lived on the naughty board. I couldn't stand the disappointment in my parents' faces, so I tried harder.

I had so much anxiety back then that I had severe insomnia. I would lay awake in bed at night and try to figure out why I was so bad. I prayed to God to make me a better girl. I prayed to God to fix me so I could be good like the other little girls and pay attention in class. I prayed to God to make Mama and Daddy not get so mad at me when I got in trouble for daydreaming, or leaving assignments at home, or for leaving my things at school.

My parents and teachers thought that maybe first grade was too easy for me, that I wasn't paying attention because I could already read and write.

My next test was an IQ test. I passed it, too. The powers-that-be decided I was "Gifted-and-Talented" and sent me to a special class. This helped, a little. The class was faster-paced and wasn't as repetitive, so it was easier for me to tune in. My name was still on the naughty board most of the time.

Things continued this way for a while. I was smart enough that I made good grades because I could pass the tests. Even when I didn't do the homework and missed deadlines, I could get by. I skated through each grade with A's and a couple of B's. That wasn't good enough, though. My teachers thought I was lazy, that with a little effort, I could get straight A's. That, if I would just apply myself, I could do my homework and pay attention in class and really be somebody smart.

It took all my effort just to do as well as I was, and everybody wanted more. My parents thought I could do better at home if I just tried a little harder. My teachers thought I could be a superstar, if I would just work a little harder. I cried myself to sleep most nights because I just couldn't figure out what they wanted from me. Nobody could explain it, either.

I heard over and over, "You're so smart. I don't understand why you don't try harder." Nobody ever listened when I said that I was trying as hard as I could. Nobody ever believed me.

I tried my hardest until the seventh grade. Then puberty hit.

I thought my life was stressful before, but once hormones hit... yeesh. My grades fell through through the floor. My life at home was in turmoil. I could barely remember to brush my teeth regularly. Forget showering daily. I was lucky to remember to even eat on a regular basis. My weight fluctuated horrendously as I would forget to eat for a day or two at a time, then gorge on sweets and junk food to make myself feel better emotionally.

Teachers are not equipped to see this. My parents had their own problems, as their marriage was starting to break up, and didn't even notice me most of the time.

Some other events happened and I ended up with an adopted brother and parents who were in a state of wary detente.

My new brother was six years old and wild. He had ADHD and acted out, like a champ. This led to him getting diagnosed very early.

However, my parents didn't "believe" in ADHD. They thought my brother's problems could be fixed with discipline and structure (sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

They worked with him and worked with him, and eventually he was able to keep it together in school.

He started smoking marijuana when he was eight years old. He claims it helped, a lot. It must have. He didn't end up in trouble nearly as much after that.

The result of all of this is that I and my problems were shoved to the background. I felt let down. I was valuable to my family, but no one was interested in my issues. I felt like my family could only see me if I acted like everything was OK. I felt like my problems were invisible to them. I couldn't trust anyone to see me as I was, to believe me when I told them I was having trouble. But I was able to manage and survived puberty fairly intact.

So, fast forward to my high school years. At this point, I had pretty much given up on ever being good enough for my teachers. My parents had divorced and remarried each other, and were in the process of breaking up again. I had also given up on being good enough for them. I was passively suicidal.

I prayed to God every day to let me have a tire blowout when I was alone in the car so I could die an a car accident, or to let me have a quick, deadly disease. I had suicide fantasies. I couldn't follow through, though, because my precious baby brother, the adopted one, was the first one home and I was terrified he would be the one to find me.

I prayed to God to just bring me home to Heaven, because life here was just too hard.

I still functioned, though. I passed my classes, barely, and got into a good university. Life got even tougher. I couldn't function in social situations and developed few relationships. The slight support network I did have at home was gone and I was completely on my own. I had to learn how to pay my own bills and function as an adult without much guidance.

I did okay the first couple of years, as I was excited about this new, shiny experience. Then reality set in. And it was hard and bleak.

I became actively suicidal. I had plans, oh, so many plans. I started practicing cutting my wrists. I researched the right ways to do it so I would bleed out. I decided that was too dramatic and would hurt my family too much, so I came up with several, less flashy, plans. I thought maybe I would just go "missing."

Eventually, I came out of what I later realized was a severe depression. I graduated, although it took me five years, and got a job. I hopped from job to job the first few years, and eventually settled down into a job as a typesetter at a print shop.

It was a low stress job, but it required a lot of attention to detail. A LOT. Which I was terrible at. So, I developed strategies to help me. I would proofread things three times and send them back to the customer to proof read. I don't know why, but no one proof reads their own stuff. This worked for a few years. I was able to focus in the beginning, because it was a new, shiny experience. But that didn't last long.

My job was boring. And repetitive. There wasn't much there to capture my attention. I tried to help out in the front office and in the press room to give me enough variety so I could focus, but my boss wanted me in my cubicle/box at all times.

I got in trouble, time and time again, for typos. For small mistakes here and there. For being late. For not following through on an email. For not being good enough. "You're so smart. I don't understand why you can't try harder and do this!"

I was eventually fired after six years. I had given up trying to be good enough, and my boss had given up trying to deal with me. He didn't care that I was trying my hardest. He didn't care that it took all my effort to be sub-par. He didn't want to accommodate me with a proofreader or give me any slack for mistakes.

I was costing him money, so I had to go.

I had gotten my CNA certification, so I started working full time at a nursing home. It felt good to help people, so I decided to go to nursing school because I couldn't pay back my student loans at minimum wage. My husband was footing most of my bills.

I had thought I was stressed the first time I went to college. Hoo, boy.

I came on to allnurses and complained because I couldn't pass nursing school tests. And one of the commenters suggested I get tested for ADHD.

I passed this test, too. With flying colors. Apparently, I have a bad case of ADHD. My doctor was amazed that I had been able to function as well as I had. He immediately started me on meds.

I started out with Ritalin, which was OK. I felt a little more "normal." I could walk into the kitchen and remember what I went in there for, the first time, for the first time in my life. I still couldn't study.

So I started Vyvanse. Big mistake. I became a raging psychopath in my head and a raging witch on the outside. I hit my dogs, I fought with my husband, I wanted to murder people in WalMart and thought about ways to do it. It was awful.

I gave up meds completely until after I graduated, I just tried harder. And passed with B's and C's until I graduated. And my nursing instructors said: "You're so smart. You do so well on the floor. I don't understand why you aren't doing better in class." I couldn't tell them I had ADHD. It wasn't a real disease, after all, according to every one I knew. I didn't trust nurses to be any different.

After that, I tried Adderall. It worked for a couple of hours. I was super nurse! Then I was starving and couldn't focus for the rest of the day. It didn't matter if I took more or not. Apparently, I used up all my focus in that first burst.

Then I started getting dizzy, my heart would race, and my ankles would swell. I would get angry and have outbursts at work. Apparently, stimulants make me nuts and put me into heart failure.

So, no more meds for me.

At this point, I have given up trying harder. I have given up trying to do better. I muddle through my days at work and take the criticism as it comes. My patients thrive, but my charting... well, it takes me longer than most because I have to check everything three times, and I'm sure there are still holes.

I am working now as a traveler/agency nurse, so that I can leave and start a new place before my ADHD gets bad and I start messing up. Each assignment is new and shiny, so I can do it for a little while.

I still have the daily struggle with forgetting where I put my keys, making sure my clothes match, and remembering my lunch. I have backup deodorant in my car and my nurse bag. I have a realtor-type lockbox on my door so I don't lock myself out anymore.

I am not flaky, lazy, or stupid. But I just can't try any harder. And I am OK with that.

Specializes in Emergency, ICU.

Oh my G-d!!! That is what goes on inside my mind all the time. It causes me great anxiety because I'm always failing at stuff.

Even when I'm not failing, I feel that I am.

I keep coming back to this thread every day and reading it makes me cry. With relief actually, because hey, I'm not crazy! There are others like me and there's some hope that I may get better. Or at least, figure out a way to diminish my anxiety and improve my daily functioning without everything being such a Huge mountain to conquer.

Next step is finding a good psychiatrist -- after I convince myself that medication does not equal failure... Getting there.

And thanks again for sharing. I can't believe I haven't seen myself clearly for such a long time. How the heck did I get through school? I must be kind of amazing actually. Schoolwork was so hard but I did do it, and well! ;)

I just remembered this and I think it is important:

Did Glycerine82 give the cat a bath (from comments page 4) ????

Oh wait, that is the ADHD again.

Even when I FINALLY remember to do something, I forgot I did it so I end up checking it over and over again. Ritualizing is one of my coping mechanisms. At night, which lights get left on and which turned off. Car keys on hook soon as I com in the door.

How many times a night do you get up and check that you have locked the door (when you did)? Usually it is 3 times for me. Thankfully my wife (knowing me) always checks before she goes up to bed. That means I only wake her 3 times when I forget. I pretty much don't worry any more because I know that she always does.

That is another coping mechanism: spouse who does not have ADHD.

I could not imagine 2 spouses with ADHD:

Spouse 1: "Do we have a family birthday or something tonight?"

Spouse 2: "I don't know, let me check my calendar. Where's my iphone?"

Spouse 1: "I don't know, where did you have it last?"

Spouse 2: "At work."

Spouse 1: "Did you bring it home with you?"

Spouse 2: "Maybe....."

Spouse 1: "Let me call it from the house phone, where is the cordless?"

Spouse 2: "I don't know, you were on it when I got home. Where were you last?"

Spouse 1: "I think the bedroom."

Spouse 2: "You look there and I will look in the basement."

Spouse 1: "It's not in the bedroom. What are you doing???"

Spouse 2: "Sorting my vinyl collection, it was in this box"

Spouse 1: "You are suppose to be helping me find the house phone."

Spouse 2: "OK, let's go look upstairs."

Spouse 1: "Now what are you doing???"

Spouse 2: "Getting a sandwich, I'm hungry. Oh, I found the phone, it was in the fridge."

Spouse 1: "I must have put it in there when I was putting the ice tea away."

Spouse 2: "No ice tea in here..."

Spouse 1: "I wonder where I put the ice tea?"

Spouse 2: "I'm calling my phone, listen for it."

Spouse 1: "Found it, in the hamper, left it in my pocket again."

Spouse 2: "Now let's find the ice tea."

Spouse 1: "Found it. Do you want a glass?"

Spouse 2: "Yes, I'll be in the TV room watching the news, please bring it over."

**Half way through the news....**

Spouse 1: "Don't we have a family birthday or something tonight"

Spouse 2: "OMG yes, let's go we will only be a hour late. We need a present."

Spouse 1: "We have one, it is in the bed room where I left the ice tea....."

My life is only half of this.

I definitely relate. My sister got diagnosed with ADHD when she was still young, but no one thought to test me because I did fine in class. My parents knew that I didn't really apply myself, my mother would see my B's and she'd lecture me about how I was just "coasting" and not really trying. I don't remember ever having to listen in class, because everything was too easy.

I had amazing hyperfocus abilities when I was a kid, so I could bring a book to class and tune everything out. I was smart enough to get by like that. Homework was an issue though. I always got by by scoring high on my tests. Homework only got done half of the time.

Then I got to college. NCLEX questions? A breeze. Tests are like a challenge. Give me your hardest test and I know I'll pass it. Turning in 4-5 page careplans though? UGH....

There was one class where everyone was doing so so so bad on the tests that the teacher decided to make our research paper part of our final exam to boost everyone's test scores. I passed the final with flying colors. I didn't manage to turn in my research paper on time though, so I failed that class and had to take remediation.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I have ADD. Sometimes I wonder if I just have anxiety about starting things because sometimes it feels like daydreaming is better than starting a task and doing it wrong. I have a lot of anxiety about doing something wrong.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
I just remembered this and I think it is important:

Did Glycerine82 give the cat a bath (from comments page 4) ????

Oh wait, that is the ADHD again.

Even when I FINALLY remember to do something, I forgot I did it so I end up checking it over and over again. Ritualizing is one of my coping mechanisms. At night, which lights get left on and which turned off. Car keys on hook soon as I com in the door.

How many times a night do you get up and check that you have locked the door (when you did)? Usually it is 3 times for me. Thankfully my wife (knowing me) always checks before she goes up to bed. That means I only wake her 3 times when I forget. I pretty much don't worry any more because I know that she always does.

That is another coping mechanism: spouse who does not have ADHD.

I could not imagine 2 spouses with ADHD:

Spouse 1: "Do we have a family birthday or something tonight?"

Spouse 2: "I don't know, let me check my calendar. Where's my iphone?"

Spouse 1: "I don't know, where did you have it last?"

Spouse 2: "At work."

Spouse 1: "Did you bring it home with you?"

Spouse 2: "Maybe....."

Spouse 1: "Let me call it from the house phone, where is the cordless?"

Spouse 2: "I don't know, you were on it when I got home. Where were you last?"

Spouse 1: "I think the bedroom."

Spouse 2: "You look there and I will look in the basement."

Spouse 1: "It's not in the bedroom. What are you doing???"

Spouse 2: "Sorting my vinyl collection, it was in this box"

Spouse 1: "You are suppose to be helping me find the house phone."

Spouse 2: "OK, let's go look upstairs."

Spouse 1: "Now what are you doing???"

Spouse 2: "Getting a sandwich, I'm hungry. Oh, I found the phone, it was in the fridge."

Spouse 1: "I must have put it in there when I was putting the ice tea away."

Spouse 2: "No ice tea in here..."

Spouse 1: "I wonder where I put the ice tea?"

Spouse 2: "I'm calling my phone, listen for it."

Spouse 1: "Found it, in the hamper, left it in my pocket again."

Spouse 2: "Now let's find the ice tea."

Spouse 1: "Found it. Do you want a glass?"

Spouse 2: "Yes, I'll be in the TV room watching the news, please bring it over."

**Half way through the news....**

Spouse 1: "Don't we have a family birthday or something tonight"

Spouse 2: "OMG yes, let's go we will only be a hour late. We need a present."

Spouse 1: "We have one, it is in the bed room where I left the ice tea....."

My life is only half of this.

Omigosh!!!!! This sounds like my life, and I don't even have ADHD!!! It's not so bad now that I'm not working, but when I was, every flippin' DAY was like that. I don't miss that one bit. :no:

I had ADD, I removed the greatest portion of it with neuro-feedback (NOT biofeedback). Check out the Othmer Foundation for info.

I definitely relate. My sister got diagnosed with ADHD when she was still young, but no one thought to test me because I did fine in class. My parents knew that I didn't really apply myself, my mother would see my B's and she'd lecture me about how I was just "coasting" and not really trying. I don't remember ever having to listen in class, because everything was too easy.

I had amazing hyperfocus abilities when I was a kid, so I could bring a book to class and tune everything out. I was smart enough to get by like that. Homework was an issue though. I always got by by scoring high on my tests. Homework only got done half of the time.

Then I got to college. NCLEX questions? A breeze. Tests are like a challenge. Give me your hardest test and I know I'll pass it. Turning in 4-5 page careplans though? UGH....

There was one class where everyone was doing so so so bad on the tests that the teacher decided to make our research paper part of our final exam to boost everyone's test scores. I passed the final with flying colors. I didn't manage to turn in my research paper on time though, so I failed that class and had to take remediation.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I have ADD. Sometimes I wonder if I just have anxiety about starting things because sometimes it feels like daydreaming is better than starting a task and doing it wrong. I have a lot of anxiety about doing something wrong.

I would go to a psych and find out. Either way, you can get help.

This is something else that I discovered about ADHD; since we have no concept of thin, we can almost "bend time." I learned that we can carry something over long periods of time. Like I have been doing with:

Did Glycerine82 give the cat a bath (from comments page 4)

I have a joke I tell, then 2 weeks later I will give the punchline. Most people can't wait 5 minutes.

I have 1st grade students that act like this. How can I help them? I would appreciate insight from someone who is dealing with this issue.


I think it is hard to differentiate at that age when "kids are being kids" and ADHD. I also do not believe in medicating until older. I was not formally diagnosed until 27. I remember 8th grade and we had 4 book reports due for the year. The last one, a bibliography I put off. The day it was due, I snuck in to the library that morning when I got to school and grabbed the first book in the bibliography section I saw (I did return it at the end of the day).

It was Clara Barton's (The Red Cross) bibliography. I wrote a 5 page report "under my desk" during all my classes and handed it in at the end of the day. My senior thesis for my one undergrad degree, I started writing at midnight the day before it was due. I typed 36 pages in 8 hours on a word processor (this was 1993), went to the printers, had it photocopied on mint green paper and bound. Back then, the presentation probably was half my grade...LOL

My point is that you need to learn and hone coping mechanisms. You will make mistakes. You will get in trouble. Avoid the "try harder" approach. I suggest "try different." The other issue is intelligence; is someone a "slacker" or are they not as smart. The ones with ADHD will be very intelligent, just may not do well on tests.

The other thing is that I am a visual learner. I can read the comic edition of a novel, but a page full of words, BORING!!! When I took notes, I drew pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps, but very few words. I went to Catholic school 12 years, I was constantly accused of "doodling." Catholic school was a good experience. The teachers, especially the nuns really cared about the students. There were no unions, no school board, none of the public school distractions.

Growing up, I could draw (and still can) the best, most accurate maps you will ever see. Part of try different might be a lesson on note taking. Using diagrams, maps, etc. Some people may not realize that they can do that. Never limit them. They can do anything and probably will.

In case you did not read it, read my first post on page 3 of the comments (here:)

They was also an accommodation of advanced students. All my math, science, and computer classes from junior high on were all advanced placement. My History was the regular class and English/Literature was the "not so fast." That was because I could not focus to read. I hated to read. (I love it now, but not long books).

Try teaching using Power Point presentations. Thousands of free ones on line, covering any subject at any grade level.

Try this:

Teach one lesson as you normally do, and test. Teach one lesson with PPT presentation, maybe a video, etc. Test. Compare. You will see your visual learners, probably the ones with ADHD.

One last thing, I can recommend anti-anxiety medication, but that would be for you....LOL

I have 1st grade students that act like this. How can I help them? I would appreciate insight from someone who is dealing with this issue.

Here are my suggestions:

1) Keep the lessons short, and repeat the information in different ways.

My form of ADD means my ears turn off after a certain amount of time. All I hear is the buzzing of the fluorescent lights, other people whispering, etc. Many kids with inattentive ADD are the same way.

In practical terms, use different methods to engage. Take ten minutes each to explain, then show, then do. Say, a short verbal explanation, a graphic or chart, then a worksheet or activity, or whatever form of that is appropriate for six year olds.

2) Have a safe backup activity that the children can engage in when they lose interest, like doodling or reading a short story. Incorporate lots of movement, maybe a "silly" break where the kids can make faces or do a goofy dance.

When I was able to take a few minutes and do something else, I was able to re-engage and focus better. I also do better if I can move and do an activity at the same time. To this day, I can only focus on a phone conversation if I am pacing. My high school calculus teacher let me stand up and pace in the back of the class so I could pay attention, and he was one of my best teachers.

3) As far as outside the classroom, perhaps get the names of good child psychiatrists to refer parents to. Perhaps have ADHD information available to give to parents. Also, educate other teachers.

My parents and teachers didn't know any better.

Had another thought: ADHD kids are very musically inclined. If there are appropriate songs to learn, this helps a lot!

My blood brother learned the state capitals from a song in the fourth grade, and he still knows it word for word almost thirty years later. I still remember songs I sang for an assembly in 1982.

And colors!! Most of us learn better in color - color coded concepts stick in our heads much more easily.

Somebody mentioned using time increments as a coping method. I figured that one out in my first round of college and it really changed my life. Try to tell me to clean the house or write a paper? Won't get done. But I tell myself I'll study in 30 minute increments for a total of 2 hours and I keep up. Same with cleaning- I spend 30 minutes doing whatever is demanding the most attention that day. Otherwise it all seems hopeless!