I think I failed Nclex in 75 questions

Nursing Students NCLEX


I just took my Nclex rn and it was a monster of a test. Used Kaplan & Saunders to prepare but apparently I wasn't prepared enough. I'm super bummed now. Any repeat test takers have any advice?

what did you study RN_Dreams

It's ok scared silly, I'm still as happy now as I was when I first found out I passed! Thankful to be an RN now!

You should be happy! You EARNED the happy!!!!

You passed! i have never heard of anyone who failed with only the minimum number of questions. I felt the same way though when it shut off for me at 75.

You passed! i have never heard of anyone who failed with only the minimum number of questions. I felt the same way though when it shut off for me at 75.

People pass and fail with 75, and with 286 and with everything in between and I think most of us thought we failed no matter how many questions. Its the nature of that beast of a test!

If you had 75 Qs & the machine shut off on you, you passed. I did this too - 75 Qs in 75 min. I cried for days. After I found out I passed it occurred to me - you must have 80% to pass at any given time --- if you got most of your 75 qs wrong --- you'd be going a lot longer!!!

Not sure where you got this number from; the computer will shut off when it has a 95% certainty that the candidate has passed the standard requirement. Not 80% at any given time.....and that can be a big difference when looking at what is and is not a passing-level question.

Additionally, if you "got most of your 75 questions wrong", you wouldn't be getting a lot more questions, you'd be done, as the computer would deem you incompetent at that point and shut off.

People who pass at 75 questions have done very well. People who fail at 75 questions have done very poorly. And the rest is a giant ball of "WHO KNOWS?!?" :)

Congrats to those posting of their recent NCLEX success. Quite a feeling, isn't it? :D

FWIW, I have posted before now that I walked out of that testing center, got into my car, and just started crying. Was blown away by what I didn't know, what I THOUGHT I didn't know, and just couldn't imagine how I could have passed a test when I was so obviously unprepared.

Even though I was. Even though I did. And even though it wasn't even a chance I was going to fail, I FELT like I had failed!

I don't think anyone is exaggerating when they post they knew nothing on the test, as they most likely FELT they knew nothing, and that's because the questions that make the most impact, the ones that we're most likely to remember afterward, were ones we just didn't know, or weren't sure about.

Doesn't mean we got them wrong, just means we weren't sure. Or took an educated guess, but it was the right one. Memory is a funny thing; I don't think exaggeration is really at play.

If one sits to analyze the situation, one would come to the reasonable conclusion that one passed (as do around 90% of first-time test-takers). But at the conclusion of that beast of an exam, most people are NOT in the frame of mind to clearly, rationally examine the data and determine that it's most likely they passed, LOL....nope, most people figure they failed. And didn't. ;)

So...congrats again :)

RNsRWe you are SO right. I think I feel a poll! LOL

Hii I m sorry you didn t pass my experience is that s my 3 rd time and today I get my rn license ! Tx god for everything! My advise for you is be patient I am a foreign nurse and took long time to assimilate all the information kaplan help me a lot for the thinking strategy! Pray be positive and be confident you will pass next time don t let fear control you !

Do somebody know what it will happen after when you have the license thanks

RunnerRN - Yes, you are correct, can fail with 75 questions.... you would have to have more than 53 questions wrong. The odds of having 71% wrong of the first 75 q's is low -- but not impossible.

RNsRWe -- Really - 95%??? I was told 80% --- makes me feel better now about my test!!! I think most of us looked at our first question & had a *** moment!!! Sorry for misinformation -- learn something every day!!


Cheers 💊💉

Congratulations! I know it's an amazing feeling!

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