I think I have an ethical dilemma here...

Nurses General Nursing


We have a situation at my hospital that someone MUST do something about and no one seems willing to tackle.



First rule of nursing: DOCUMENT. Keep track of everything that this nurse doesn't (or does do). Sounds like you have been documenting this stuff. Keep copies for yourself. Wouldn't want anything to get lost in the shuffle. How high up the chain have you gone? I would personally contact the highest management nurse in your facility. Take all your documentation with you. Get your co-workers to document everything also. If management refuses to budge, I guess you next step would be your state board of nsg. I would also bring this to the administrator's attention. We had a similar situation at our facility a couple of years ago. We documented, complained, wrote everything up. Still nothing. Finally she upset the wrong family. The patient's granddaughters were best friends with the assistant executive adm. That girl was out of job so fast made your head spin. Too bad that is what it took to get her out. Anyway, back on topic. I would most certainly go to the BON if nothing is done at the local level. I would tell the adm you plan to contact the BON. May just be the kick they need to get their butts in gear. Keep us posted and good luck.

Well, I don't know what to tell you. I've been in that situation THREE TIMES so far. At the one hospital, this nurse was so frickin' dangerous that even the lactation consultants complained about her. She wasn't allowed to float to certain floors because she'd had so many complaints against her. When I questioned management about it, their reply was 'we're working with xxx nurse.' Uh huh. As you can guess, nothing ever happened. I left. During my exit interview, I cited their lack of action with this particular nurse as part of the reason I was leaving. Wouldn't you know that a few months ago I saw her name in the BON news letter under the 'suspended license' list?? Yep. It finally happened. For violation of pt. confidentiality. I'm surprised it was something so "small" and not her KILLING a pt..

Anyhoo, at the last hospital where I worked, there were 2 such horrid nurses. One DID kill a patient, and one ALMOST killed a patient. Nothing happened to EITHER of them. NOTHING. I LEFT.

I don't know what to tell you. Y'all are doing the right things by documenting. Maybe someone needs to contact the BON? All I can say is I feel your pain and know EXACTLY how you feel. It is infuriating. If I could go back in time to those situations I just talked about, I probably would have called the BON and filed a complaint, then would have gone to the DON at the hospital to inform them of the situation. I would have taped the conversation with the DON and had a witness, because as you know, MANAGEMENT LIES. Those are my suggestions, although I'm sure they're not very helpful.

Sorry you're in such a crappy situation. :o

I too unfortunately have had many experiences with lazy nurses over the years. They always seem to come out smelling like a rose because they are usually friends with mgmt. I would document and contact risk management. Perhaps you and some of your colleagues can go to management jointly and demand action be taken. Unfortunately, the only thing mgmt where I work cares about is bodies. They couldn't care less if you are competent or not. Sad, huh?

i feel your pain, however it seems you are doing all the right things. Question is what is mangment going to do when she kills someone. talk about a lawsuit.

Specializes in Home Health.

I think the other nurses and yourself should gather all your facts, that have been documented, and notify your manager you will not be working until this girl is moved to a diufferent unit. Then, everyone call out sick a day when she is on. Let the managers see what it's like to follow her worthless azz!

You all don't show up days and nights, that will get some attention. Refuse to work with her...period. What are they going to do, fire/suspend every one of you who calls out? Or, get rid of her. You better be sure to have all your ducks in line before you do something drastic like this, but sounds like management needs a wake-up call!

I agree w/ fed up nurse. I am an RN Risk Manager and I have had several clinicians come to me about unsafe practitioners. Please take accurate documentation of dates/times, factual first hand knowledge of specific incidents and documentation of the chain of command in which you have reported the individual. Usually the Risk Manager is able to do something if ther documentation is there.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Laura - gotta agree with hoolahan. You do need to be prepared to walk if it comes down to that, but I doubt it will if you present en masse with your co-workers. Mgt can't continue to ignore it if you all squawk at the same time.

Our risk management guy is GREAT. When I saw this post I thought of him and how he loves hearing about this kind of stuff because that means he's NOT hearing about it after someone *dies.*

Dhenceroth - hats off to you - I know your job is not the most pleasant in the world, and you rarely get to be the bearer of glad tidings, but we appreciate your presence.

I would consider not taking the floor if she has put pts. in danger of dying on my watch.

I have refused the keys before and documented explicity the exact reasons why and notified the DON or NM myself.

I also think that everyone should be on the same page to get this dangerous nurse out of there.


Specializes in OB.

I agree with the above - I have been in this position ( with a drug diverting nurse). Fortunately, I had the senority to demand a transfer off the shift immediately, and let them know why! What it finally took was one of the medical staff contacting the BON and then going to the CEO to get her out! We hated taking it out of the nursing chain of command, but sometimes you have to - any doc's there you can trust?

We too have one on our floor. We have written her up repeatedly. She has threatened staff when she gets talked too. She has been known to steal medication as well as supplies and food. She is so totally unsafe that I hate to work when she does.

Our unit manager is aware of it all as well as administation and all they say is we need to be nicer to her and cut her a break.

She is a lawsuit waiting to happen . We are so frustrated.

Can you document and send your findings to the Board of Nursing in your state?

She sounds awful!

I'm sorry you are going through this....

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