Published Nov 6, 2009
70 Posts
I want to work in the NICU, even though I've been an RN several years and my only experience is with adults (I never had the opportunity to work with babies.) Now, I'm to the point I'm willing to relocate to find the job I want. I heard that Mcallen, TX will take anyone, yet the recruiter just called and the more she talked to me the more disappointed she sounded. There were even periods of silence while she tried to think of a way to get off the phone without being rude. She said next week she would send me more information and maybe we could schedule a phone interview, but I know what that means.
That won't stop me from trying to get my foot in the door elsewhere, but for anyone who feels like a total reject just remember yours truly sitting over here, can't even get one of the worst hospitals in the country to give me a chance.:imbar
10 Posts
if the "worst hospital in the world" won't even take you, that just means that a much, much better facility out there WILL give you a chance. i know how cliche it is, but keep your head up. if you are willing to relocate, you will find something. HANG IN THERE!
JB2007, ASN, RN
554 Posts
I am so sorry that you are having such a terrible time. I am in the same boat as you are in and it stinks. Nobody wants me either.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
What makes you think that it's you (and not the economy)? For instance, what made you think that the recruiter was disappointed in your telephone conversation?
rn2bnwi, BSN, RN
295 Posts
It may be that she saw your exprience and had really wanted to get you for an adult position , don't hang your head yet!
38,333 Posts
That's unsettling. Even when I'm employed I feel like my employers never really want me. They don't like me. They never do. Oh, well, one of these days I won't have to convince some employer to like me. I will settle for just leave me alone. Don't even act like I'm around. Forget about me. Ignore me. But send the check.
805 Posts
What has happened to employers . In the past nurses used to be able to readily move from one area of nursing to another , but now postings are always . X job , 1 - 2 years experience in it required . It appears we are all pidgeon holed by pur present experience !.
7,098 Posts
I want to work in the NICU, even though I've been an RN several years and my only experience is with adults (I never had the opportunity to work with babies.) Now, I'm to the point I'm willing to relocate to find the job I want. I heard that Mcallen, TX will take anyone, yet the recruiter just called and the more she talked to me the more disappointed she sounded. There were even periods of silence while she tried to think of a way to get off the phone without being rude. She said next week she would send me more information and maybe we could schedule a phone interview, but I know what that means.That won't stop me from trying to get my foot in the door elsewhere, but for anyone who feels like a total reject just remember yours truly sitting over here, can't even get one of the worst hospitals in the country to give me a chance.:imbar
It most likely isn't you, Treehugger. The fact that the recruiter a) called you and b) stayed on the phone longer than she needed to probably means she did like you!
Caliotter, I'm with you on the supervisor thing. One reason I like Home Health, relative independence.
I'm talking about home health. Two DOCS and one supervisor have respected me as a worker. The staffing coordinators talk to me like I'm dirt beneath their feet and I'm old enough to be their mother or probably grandmother. I'm fed up with it. I can't imagine how they talk to the clients, doctors, and others in the business community this way and manage to keep their jobs.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
Please don't be so hard on yourself.
As you know, McAllen and the surrounding communties are winter destinations for senior citizens. They do not experience a surge in demand for maternal-child services in the winter like they do with adult/geriatric/ICU. The recruiter, while lacking in tact, was probably not reflecting on your qualifications as much as his/her desire to fill adult-health positions.
I have relatives in the area and went to visit last Spring. It was the depressing, unappealing area I remember from my youth. Unless you have a burning desire to locate there, please don't do so for a job. You may find yourself miserable.
Your best bet for a NICU position is a large, inner-city teaching and maternity referral center.
Good luck to you!
118 Posts
It may not be that she doesn't like you...a lot of the time the person doing interviews is just as nervous as the person being interviewed. Don't discount it until you know for sure. Either way keep up the great attitude and you will certainly find the job you want. Never let them get you down :)
It's not that I think she didn't "like" me, I just think she was expecting to hear about more impressive work experience. As for how I know she was not interested, she would say, "oh..." and there would be silence. She was nice, I just wasn't what they were looking for. I love adventure, I thought maybe Mcallen would be an adventure. We didn't even talk about NICU. The actual positions I applied to were adult CCU and pediatric ICU (they didn't have any NICU positions open, but my thinking is that it would be a way to get my foot in the door.)
Oh well, on to plan B. Don't know what I'll to after I get through the alphabet.