I resigned today...


I'm not a nurse, my user name is 'justavolunteer'. Unfortunately, now I'm 'nolongeravolunteer'. The hospital I was at decided all the supplies had to be locked up. The big problem is that I don't have access to them because the head nurse said I'm 'justavolunteer'. A big part of my job was to hand out supplies (cups, straws, etc.) to patients. Not having access to them made my job immensely more difficult. I even put my concern about it in writing. The head nurse refused to discuss it or even respond to it. The volunteer coordinator couldn't get her to budge either! Today I went to the hospital, said good-bye to the nurses, and resigned. The nurses were not happy at all about this because they were always so thankful for my help. They did say they understood my reasons, though. Now, when the nurses go to get gloves from an empty dispenser or try to put needles in a full needle box, they can remember that I'm no longer there to take care of these things (and thank their glorious supervisor, no doubt).

I will start the search to find a spot at another hospital. I suspect there is a need for me somewhere.


I'm so sorry that hospital was so stupid! You sound like a jewel to me. Volunteers fill in mighty big gaps when they are there. I hope you find another site that will appreciate all you have to offer. Andplease know that you are NOT "just" anything!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
I'm not a nurse, my user name is 'justavolunteer'. Unfortunately, now I'm 'nolongeravolunteer'. The hospital I was at decided all the supplies had to be locked up. The big problem is that I don't have access to them because the head nurse said I'm 'justavolunteer'. A big part of my job was to hand out supplies (cups, straws, etc.) to patients. Not having access to them made my job immensely more difficult. I even put my concern about it in writing. The head nurse refused to discuss it or even respond to it. The volunteer coordinator couldn't get her to budge either! Today I went to the hospital, said good-bye to the nurses, and resigned. The nurses were not happy at all about this because they were always so thankful for my help. They did say they understood my reasons, though. Now, when the nurses go to get gloves from an empty dispenser or try to put needles in a full needle box, they can remember that I'm no longer there to take care of these things (and thank their glorious supervisor, no doubt).

I will start the search to find a spot at another hospital. I suspect there is a need for me somewhere.

I am so terribly sorry. You are such a joy and am sure you will be greatly missed by the nurses.

By all means............look elsewhere as I am sure someone is about to get a blessing and they just don't know yet.

My most sincere wishes to you. :clown:

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
I'm not a nurse, my user name is 'justavolunteer'. Unfortunately, now I'm 'nolongeravolunteer'. The hospital I was at decided all the supplies had to be locked up. The big problem is that I don't have access to them because the head nurse said I'm 'justavolunteer'. A big part of my job was to hand out supplies (cups, straws, etc.) to patients. Not having access to them made my job immensely more difficult. I even put my concern about it in writing. The head nurse refused to discuss it or even respond to it. The volunteer coordinator couldn't get her to budge either! Today I went to the hospital, said good-bye to the nurses, and resigned. The nurses were not happy at all about this because they were always so thankful for my help. They did say they understood my reasons, though. Now, when the nurses go to get gloves from an empty dispenser or try to put needles in a full needle box, they can remember that I'm no longer there to take care of these things (and thank their glorious supervisor, no doubt).

I will start the search to find a spot at another hospital. I suspect there is a need for me somewhere.

I wonder why the head nurse was unwilling to discuss this with you, or the volunteer coordinator? Any previous "Hitler-type" actions from this Head Nurse in the past that you are aware?

Anyway, good luck in your search of a medical center with a more appreciative Head Nurse. Volunteers like you are appreciated!!!

I'm not a nurse, my user name is 'justavolunteer'. Unfortunately, now I'm 'nolongeravolunteer'. The hospital I was at decided all the supplies had to be locked up. The big problem is that I don't have access to them because the head nurse said I'm 'justavolunteer'. A big part of my job was to hand out supplies (cups, straws, etc.) to patients. Not having access to them made my job immensely more difficult. I even put my concern about it in writing. The head nurse refused to discuss it or even respond to it. The volunteer coordinator couldn't get her to budge either! Today I went to the hospital, said good-bye to the nurses, and resigned. The nurses were not happy at all about this because they were always so thankful for my help. They did say they understood my reasons, though. Now, when the nurses go to get gloves from an empty dispenser or try to put needles in a full needle box, they can remember that I'm no longer there to take care of these things (and thank their glorious supervisor, no doubt).

I will start the search to find a spot at another hospital. I suspect there is a need for me somewhere.

Sorry this happened.just curious.... what is it that they wanted you to help out with, since you need those locked up items,and would not be granted access to them ? Did they want your role to change, have different areas to help out with?

Specializes in Med-Surg.
I'm so sorry that hospital was so stupid! You sound like a jewel to me. Volunteers fill in mighty big gaps when they are there. I hope you find another site that will appreciate all you have to offer. Andplease know that you are NOT "just" anything!

Ditto.................good luck to you.

We depend on our volunteers for so much. It's such a help when visitors, families don't interrupt when you're passing meds to make them coffee ( yes, we have open coffe bar for them), get tissues,etc.

Please, let us know where you go and what you are doing.

God bless, and thanks to all volunteers.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

They shot off their nose to spite their face....stupid. I am sorry about this. I am sure you will be appreciated elsewhere.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

There are plenty of other places that would be delighted to have volunteers (nursing homes for one). It is their loss.

Specializes in long term care.

Like a few others have said. You are not "Just" anything.

I would love you to come work on my floor.

You sound very enthusiastic. Keep your chin up. I'm sure something will come along.

Hey, come on down to Alabama and I'll PAY you for your services!! Just out of curiosity, why do you volunteer and not try to get certified as a CNA and get paid for your work? Don't get me wrong, I think you are an incredible person or else you wouldn't be volunteering your time...

What a nice thing to do, to help the nurses :)

Resigned, huh? You have more sense than I do, with my PAY job.

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