I prefer working with new grads,or non-hospital nurses


Is it just me or what but I noticed a trend :many of the hospital nurses are burned out,mean,show bad attitudes and nurses who are employed outside of the hospital settings or are just starting their career are generally more pleasant to work with,have over all better attitude,enthusiasm.

It is sad to say but working with a new grad or non-hospital nurse is a like a breath of fresh air and working with many of the hospital nurses is like working in a coal mine.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

OP, I'm like you... I love to hear from our new peeps how things could be done different, more efficiently... better. I'm not threatened by that at all. These "new" folks have great ideas that if we could just get off our comfort level and try something new.. things might be faster, easier and have better patient outcomes!!

Now sure we can all argue it all has it's time and place. There are long steps to create change, and times to reign in the newer folks to "we have to do it this way until we see if your ideas can be implemented". But let's not beat them down into submission and keep trucking along, lets encourage thinking and practicing "out of the box", let the right process see these ideas through and keep encouraging that type of thinking.

I learn every day I clock in, these newbies keep me on my toes and challenge me and my practice. I love that about precepting. These nurses are eager and full of energy, they help me renew my love of nursing. Wouldn't trade 'em even though I pull my hair out most days, god love 'em.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.
BlackheartedNurse, you seem kind of fixated on how other nurses have done you wrong.

Didn't all these things that supposedly happen to you, happen many months ago? Yet, you continue to bring it up. You seem rather bitter.

? While I can't recall what you are referring to, and I simply don't research previous posts to find a commonality, I'm at a loss for words as to why someone can't state a belief system, or state a trend they are experiencing that they wanted to be open for discussion, with your response believed to be "get over it already"

Poster, if you are tired of the same issue re-appearing, perhaps, the "change the channel" button might be in better order for you? It's possible, at some point in the future you feel the need to post and certainly will deserve better than your reply. Just food to much on, tastes better than the foot.

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

New grads are great, and I love their enthusiasm, but I can speak from experience at my last hospital in-pt position that a unit that is primarily new grads is a scary place. New grads need patient, knowledgeable experienced nurses in their area of expertise to look up to and learn from. A unit with no experienced nurses is a place prone to more mistakes and not someplace I want to work.

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

Depends on your area. I work with super-experienced people and I LOVE IT. They always make food and we always have a party--at least 2-3 times a week.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
? While I can't recall what you are referring to, and I simply don't research previous posts to find a commonality, I'm at a loss for words as to why someone can't state a belief system, or state a trend they are experiencing that they wanted to be open for discussion, with your response believed to be "get over it already"

Poster, if you are tired of the same issue re-appearing, perhaps, the "change the channel" button might be in better order for you? It's possible, at some point in the future you feel the need to post and certainly will deserve better than your reply. Just food to much on, tastes better than the foot.

Perhaps the OP needs to "change the channel.

While I do not research most posters , with this one, there is little need. The OP has posted repeatedly, about her difficulties with ALL experienced nurses, to the point that many of us have basically memorized the "beating of a dead horse" smilie. She has focused on her appearance, petty jealousy, how she is such a nice person, that experienced nurses are just picking on her.

Many of us "seasoned" nurses have poor memories - chalk it up to "brain drift". When we remember someone it is because they have worked hard to distinguish themselves from the pack...in good or bad ways. Such it is with the OP.

She has stated her belief system/trends that SHE notices in her life. And has been repeatedly told that many other nurses/new grads do not experience those "beliefs" or "trends". And many have suggested that perhaps the bad experiences may have to do, not so much with others having bad attitudes, but they she may need to correct her viewpoints...that it may not be due to her appearance, petty jealousy, or that she is too nice. She refuses to accept this but continues to complain....something that does not make her life easier at work, improve her situation, or allow the OP to better network. It also makes the OP look to be the catty, mean girl, undercutter...something that the OP decries in others.

As an experienced person, regardless of profession, I can say if I meet a person, who has everyone with experience against them, chances are that person is the problem, not the "everyone".

In the initial post, the OP starts with, "Is it just me...". And proceeds with the usual.

The best answer might possibly be, "Yes, it is just you."

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.
Depends on your area. I work with super-experienced people and I LOVE IT. They always make food and we always have a party--at least 2-3 times a week.

Okay, I want to work where you work. ;)

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
? While I can't recall what you are referring to

Therein lies the problem. I don't research posters' previous threads, either. Sometimes, a poster's behavior, especially if it's a pattern, just sticks with a person.

I really tried to stay away from this thread but I will add my two cents.

1. I believe OP needs a paradigm shift i.e what can I do for others instead of what can others do for me?

2. OP, next time you have a stool softener/homehealth/med question, why dont you go ask the new grads and non-hospital nurses that you seem to prefer working with!

3. I think you ought to apologize to the grown(i.e non-new grad) and hospital nurses that always help you out whenever you have a question because the title of this thread is very insulting to them.

Specializes in Gerontology.
I really tried to stay away from this thread but I will add my two cents.

1. I believe OP needs a paradigm shift i.e what can I do for others instead of what can others do for me?

2. OP, next time you have a stool softener/homehealth/med question, why dont you go ask the new grads and non-hospital nurses that you seem to prefer working with!

3. I think you ought to apologize to the grown(i.e non-new grad) and hospital nurses that always help you out whenever you have a question because the title of this thread is very insulting to them.

Very well said. Agree 100%.

Crappy hollier the thou attitude,cattiness,backstabbing and running to the manager with every little thing;this just for a start,and among other things.

These are all 'traits' I encounter most often in new grads these days.

It's just you. Some of the most toxic, most backstabby nurses I've ever worked with have been new grads with something to prove.

So many of your posts are about how people mistreat you. Have you ever stopped to consider that perhaps your attitude comes off wrong in its interpretation?

Oh no,it is not me cause I met some wonderful nurses who treated me very kindly.

I know that it is hard to face the music.

Perhaps the OP needs to "change the channel.

While I do not research most posters , with this one, there is little need. The OP has posted repeatedly, about her difficulties with ALL experienced nurses, to the point that many of us have basically memorized the "beating of a dead horse" smilie. She has focused on her appearance, petty jealousy, how she is such a nice person, that experienced nurses are just picking on her.

Many of us "seasoned" nurses have poor memories - chalk it up to "brain drift". When we remember someone it is because they have worked hard to distinguish themselves from the pack...in good or bad ways. Such it is with the OP.

She has stated her belief system/trends that SHE notices in her life. And has been repeatedly told that many other nurses/new grads do not experience those "beliefs" or "trends". And many have suggested that perhaps the bad experiences may have to do, not so much with others having bad attitudes, but they she may need to correct her viewpoints...that it may not be due to her appearance, petty jealousy, or that she is too nice. She refuses to accept this but continues to complain....something that does not make her life easier at work, improve her situation, or allow the OP to better network. It also makes the OP look to be the catty, mean girl, undercutter...something that the OP decries in others.

As an experienced person, regardless of profession, I can say if I meet a person, who has everyone with experience against them, chances are that person is the problem, not the "everyone".

In the initial post, the OP starts with, "Is it just me...". And proceeds with the usual.

The best answer might possibly be, "Yes, it is just you."

What??? What are you talking about..At my current job everyone is really awsome and I have no problems with anybody..I have been there for 3-2 months now.It is only that on some days I run into crappy nurses at the other health care setting but I noticed that many of those mean ones work in a hospital.'

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