Published Dec 19, 2005
31 Posts
Tks everyone here you were all so great and supportive, when I needed you this was my second time around so I appreciate the prayers from everyone my self courage was gone , but through his grace all things are possible.Suzanne you r an angel in the sky tks 4 everything I actuall got 2 questions on dissater plans, I know i aced it. any way it cut off @ 89 first time I got all 265 and faied, but the devil is a LIAR. Good luck to all that are preparing you can do it, I will continue to pray for everyone
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Congratulations for passing!!!!!
:rotfl: :balloons: :biggringi :kiss :cheers: :yelclap: :flowersfo
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Congratulations to you!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,756 Posts
112 Posts
God is awesome. See I told you would pass... God never fails...Relax and enjoy the holiday season.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
great news!!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
now enjoy the holidays and do something fun for yourself, you deserve it.
21 Posts
Congrats Im happy for u. I failed and took off 5 months to prepare this time I took Kaplan and feel like im ready I take boards on the 21, 2 days away. I asked God to take away the fear that i always get ang he did. Iv got it this time. Did you use the kaplan stategies?
3 Articles; 781 Posts
Wonderful News!!! Congratulations!!!! :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
How awesome! Congratulations!!!!!
43 Posts
Congratulations!!! Now you can really enjoy your holidays! You should do something wonderful for yourself, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
yes it was great use that decision tree.Good luck I know you will pass dont forget to ask god to give you the knowledge, and strengh, I "ll be praying 4 you..........