I’m being investigated by the BON!


I got a letter in the mail today saying that I’m being investigated by the Texas BON. Simply put, i have four months of unaccounted for narcotic meds. I was fired for not following the standard nursing practice and being an “unsafe nurse”. I admit that I made poor decisions and thought I was simply working smarter but it was wrong. I have since found another job and I don’t dare make those same mistakes.

I plan on hiring a lawyer but in need to know what my future will look like. Anyone been in a similar situation? Will the board care if I have learned from my mistake and regret ever doing it?

No patient was harmed. It’s just missing meds and undocumented narcotics and not following standard nursing practice.

I had been a nurse for almost 20 months when I was fired. This was my first job as a new grad. I never had any prior disciplinary actions before this occurred.

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

Not going to sugarcoat this = these are very serious allegations.A few things missing here! Where are the "missing narcotics"? Four months of lack of charting narcotics properly is a long time! Did you check them out and then not document they were administered? If not documented you must know it will count as not given and that make you look like you pocketed them.I can't see how you will not end up in a monitoring program with restrictions on your ability to administer controlled.Good thinking to hire a lawyer.You must remember nursing boards are there to protect the public from negligent nurses so they will not be lenient because you learned a lesson. Honestly, how did you let this this happen because this will effect your ability to practice encumbered for years and years.. I wish you peace and hope it works out well for you

Good luck but don't be minimize your actions or be nonchalant in front of the board. It will work against you.

It does not matter.

The BONs know that it is drilled into our heads all through nursing school that documentation and witness of wasting is priority number one. And that we KNOW that not doing that is a great way to bring down the wrath of the authorities on our heads.

They will not believe you when you say you were trying to work smarter. Not to mention the fact that from the Omni-Cell, to patient bedside, to bracelet, to scanner is your safety net to avoid accusations just like this. And the witness of waste is the final protection 'icing on the cake.'

What you may not realize is that the pharmacy has people whose job it is to do just this. And there are behaviors on the floor from the nurse in question that seal the accusation. They do not approach nurses that they don't have a solid case against.

All that being said, you still deserve a defense. Even a negative UDS will not help nowadays, because there are nurses who never take the meds, they sell them. Get an attorney...

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

"It’s just missing meds and undocumented narcotics and not following standard nursing practice."

I am glad that you have a lawyer. There is no such thing as "just missing meds and undocumented narcotics". Without details I think it is safe to say that you are in for a very bumpy ride. I don't think that the board will care that you say you have learned from your mistake, four months worth of missing/undocumented meds (and esp. narcotics) is a very long time. I would follow the advice of the lawyer and also ask about the best way to handle your current employment situation.

Good luck!

On 2/5/2019 at 1:31 AM, nycmoon said:

Good luck but don't be minimize your actions or be nonchalant in front of the board. It will work against you.

Oh no. I’m definitely not minimizing it at all. I just regret making such a dumb decision. Thank you for the advice

20 hours ago, Persephone Paige said:

It does not matter.

The BONs know that it is drilled into our heads all through nursing school that documentation and witness of wasting is priority number one. And that we KNOW that not doing that is a great way to bring down the wrath of the authorities on our heads.

They will not believe you when you say you were trying to work smarter. Not to mention the fact that from the Omni-Cell, to patient bedside, to bracelet, to scanner is your safety net to avoid accusations just like this. And the witness of waste is the final protection 'icing on the cake.'

What you may not realize is that the pharmacy has people whose job it is to do just this. And there are behaviors on the floor from the nurse in question that seal the accusation. They do not approach nurses that they don't have a solid case against.

All that being said, you still deserve a defense. Even a negative UDS will not help nowadays, because there are nurses who never take the meds, they sell them. Get an attorney...

Thanks for the advice. I’m contacting a lawyer now.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

You're on the right track by getting a lawyer.

You are currently employed, yes? Until the Board finalizes a complaint about you (and that could take months to a year) - work safely, develop a pattern of impeccable practice. You do not have to disclose an investigation until you are ordered to do so.

Also, avoid saying "I put them in my pocket and I don't know where they are." I have driven back to a facility to right that wrong. Moving forward, do better. Best of luck.

Specializes in Med/surg/ortho.
On 2/5/2019 at 12:52 AM, NneRn said:

I got a letter in the mail today saying that I’m being investigated by the Texas BON. Simply put, i have four months of unaccounted for narcotic meds. I was fired for not following the standard nursing practice and being an “unsafe nurse”. I admit that I made poor decisions and thought I was simply working smarter but i was wrong. I have since found another job and I don’t dare make those same mistakes. Basically, I stupidly forgot to scan the meds and was just giving them to the patient. Other times I forgot to return the meds to the Pyxis after a patient refused them and kept them in my pocket and got busy with another task. But I never took the medications for myself and I don’t know where they are.

I plan on hiring a lawyer but in need to know what my future will look like. Anyone been in a similar situation? Will the board care if I have learned from my mistake and regret ever doing it? Will loose my current job?

No patient was harmed. It’s just missing meds and undocumented narcotics and not following standard nursing practice.

I had been a nurse for almost 20 months when I was fired. This was my first job as a new grad. I was I never had an prior disciplinary actions before this occurred. I was never drug tested by my employer and they didn’t send me to peer review.

Well this is what needs to happen Get a lawyer right away and Know that this will not just go away.

You will have to write a letter of explanation to the board as I’m sure you read in your letter. You have one chance and limited time to explain your actions. Usually 20 days from when you received your letter. If the board is not completely satisfied with your letter the investigation will continue. Your current employer could be contacted by the attorney general requesting employment records. May go on for months or years. Eventually you will likely be asked to appear before the board. Typically if you have no discipline on your license that hearing would result in probabtion but this would come with probation requirements.

Specializes in Med/surg/ortho.

The board won’t look at it as “just missing meds and poor documentation” they will think, as any one would, that you have been diverting narcotics and your an addict. Getting them to think otherwise will be very difficult considering the evidence.

I hope you get the help you need.

Not good. That’s nursing 101. You will need more than a lawyer and good luck.

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