Published Feb 17, 2015
446 Posts
that Muslims can get out of the fine we get in the US for not having health insurance because "their religion says that it is gambling to have health insurance."
So can I become Muslim and not get fined for not having health insurance?
I like my current insurance plan, I have had it for 15 years. It is $10,000 deductible and it is only major medical. But I am concerned that in the future, HSA's will go by the wayside unless we get another president that likes HSAs.
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
Muslims aren't actually exempt from having to buy health insurance:
“Dhimmitude” and the Muslim Exemption
HSA's are far more common now under Obamacare than in the past and the proposed replacements for Obamacare also rely heavily on HSA's, so it doesn't appear likely they will go away. They'll never replace the shared cost aspect of insurance however since that isn't really mathematically possible.
Not_A_Hat_Person, RN
2,900 Posts
According to, that rumor is false.
Although Islam does have a tradition of barring conventional insurance products because they "involve an element of uncertainty, gambling and the charging of interest, which are prohibited by the Koran," some Muslim groups make exceptions for insurance which is required by law. Most likely, though, Muslims would not qualify for an exemption from U.S. health insurance requirements because U.S. Muslims do not have a tradition of spurning Social Security (which is viewed more as a form of caring for those who are unable to meet their own needs than as something which involves elements of uncertainty, gambling, and interest payments), and no Muslim group has ever qualified for an exemption under the guidelines which define which religious groups would be exempt from the health care law.
14,941 Posts
Muslims didn't even qualify for religious exemption from combat as do the Amish, etc during the Vietnam war (see Mohammed Ali).
Note to self, don't listen to partisan conservative radio and expect to hear facts about Muslims.
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
Muslims didn't even qualify for religious exemption from combat as do the Amish, etc during the Vietnam war (see Mohammed Ali).Note to self, don't listen to partisan conservative radio and expect to hear facts about Muslims.
Or about anything.. Facts and truth don't tend to fit in their daily "news" reporting..
5,978 Posts
Don't just target Muslims. There are other faiths that have the same exemption, e.g. Amish, Old Order Mennonites. They have their own forms of catastrophic health care (a bit too complex to explain here).
Do you want to become Amish or Old Order Mennonite? (Actually, it's very, very difficult for an outsider to convert.)
I think the "Breakroom" would be more your speed for this sort of conversation.
533 Posts
Actually, I had heard this on a progressive radio show.
14,633 Posts Dhimmitude — Health Insurance Exemptions
'Dhimmitude' on page 107 of the health care law exempts Muslims, claims chain email | PolitiFact
Conservative, progressive, whatever -- Snopes, Politifact, and Factcheck all say it's hogwash.
Red Kryptonite
2,212 Posts
Haha, ain't it fun when the assumptions start flying?
sort of an odd topic for most run of the mill progressive programming...lies about muslims and other groups is more the purview of folks like Limbaugh, Beck, Levin, and Hannity.
What show did you hear this on? Can you link a podcast or anything?
\sort of an odd topic for most run of the mill progressive programming...lies about muslims and other groups is more the purview of folks like Limbaugh, Beck, Levin, and Hannity.
Do you listen to a lot of those guys, do you?
Who said it was a topic on a conservative talk show? All the OP said was they "heard it on the radio". For all we know, it was a ill-informed AM disc jockey team who had received the chain email, a caller who misspoke, Beck dispelling the rumor himself that the OP only heard part of, etc. There are many ways someone might have "heard this on the radio".
Your quote to another poster on another topic:
"No, pretty much this libertarian has a difficult time imaging what your points are beyond attempts to aggravate, inflame, and troll those you consider to be liberal."
Other then to aggravate and inflame, what was your point here in blaming conservative radio and insult those who listen to it?