I hate the mailman.

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


He is bad......very, very bad....

I used to like spring time..until I applied to nursing schools and race to the poor mailman everyday looking for a letter!!! I feel for you...

Specializes in Cardiac.

:rotfl: I love your posts, keep me smiling!

Good luck.

I hate him too.:uhoh3:

I just found out it is going to be a few more weeks before we find out if we get into the RN program or not. Apparently, they are up in the air about whether or not they are letting 50 or 55 students in, and obviously, they don't want to send out letters until they know for sure.

I think there is an issue with securing the instructors....I'm assuming this is at the hospital level and not necessarily the school itself.

We have Spring Break next week and I was hoping to find out before then, until then, my nerves are shot!

I was just cursing mine earlier today too!

GottaGetIn - OMG!!!! You make me laugh so hard!!!!:roll

I didn't even enter the thread and I was already cracking up. I love your title!!!:lol2:

My mailman sneaks in during the day when I'm at work, so I couldn't stalk him or hate him even if I wanted to....

I'm starting to feel suicidal.....I can't take this wating anymore!!!!!! :o :uhoh3:

BAH!:angryfire :angryfire

I can't either. I feel like a crack addict looking for a "hit"....instead of a drug, it's a letter....LOL

I wished I had a professor that I was on almost personal terms with, I might get them to "spy".

I can't either. I feel like a crack addict looking for a "hit"....instead of a drug, it's a letter....LOL.

We're sick, aren't we? LOL LOL LOL.

You guys make me laugh so much! This is good therapy in the midst of waiting my "verdict". ;)

It's proabably not funny (except in my head) but I keep getting all these crazy visuals.

I can't either. I feel like a crack addict looking for a "hit"....instead of a drug, it's a letter....LOL

Right there with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:trout: :lol2:

Want Batman to come take care of them for you!? wink

Specializes in LTC.

I'm not going to let myself become obsessed about getting the letter til April. All of the schools I applied to say they'll send out letters in April. On the plus side April is a much better month to drag my pillow and blankie outside after a night shift so I can camp out by the mailbox...

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