I Got In!!!!!



I just got the letter on thursday...a great pre-thanksgiving day present. I got accepted into Nursing school...I start in January!!

RN May 06!!! WOO HOO

One Question: SHould I get a PDA with the drug guides on it? Is it useful?

THANKS :balloons:

Specializes in O.R Trauma Nurse.

Whooo Whooo that is great news:balloons: Best wishes to you I am happy for you.

Specializes in L&D.

Well Congratulations!!! I'm very happyfor you!

About the PDA, I hear they're quite useful, I don't have one and do just fine though...

Specializes in LTC/Behavioral/ Hospice.

Congratulations! What a nice Thanksgiving gift!:balloons:

Specializes in PICU, Peds Ambulatory, Peds LTC.

:balloons: Congratulations! :balloons:

That's GREAT news!

Good Luck! :)

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

congratulations!!! :)

i have a pda, and swear by the thing. honestly, to me now, it's as important as my stethoscope - no joking! and everyone - everyone - in my clinical borrows it, including the instructor. i have taber's and davis drug guide, plus a "generic" nursing dx handbook on it. all 3 are worth their weight in gold.

i got a pricey one, but i know there are a lot cheaper (read: less expensive, not cheap!) ones to be found. i just fell in love with mine (a tungsten t3) since i knew i wanted a palm instead of win, and i liked the slide-to-expand screen. there are some that do everything but your homework (but those would be nice too!).

Hello NeoRNtobe,

CONGRATULATIONS! We're all proud of you. We wish you the best of luck too!

:balloons: :rotfl:




I just got the letter on thursday...a great pre-thanksgiving day present. I got accepted into Nursing school...I start in January!!

RN May 06!!! WOO HOO

One Question: SHould I get a PDA with the drug guides on it? Is it useful?

THANKS :balloons:

first of all congrats:balloons: on your acceptance....i know exactly how exited you are.....RN's are the best.....second I have a quick question for you. What program did you get accepted into? The reason why I ask is, i see you start nursing school in Jan 05 and are graduating in May 06, that means you will only be in school for 1yr and a half. RN programs are usually 2yrs(not including pre-reqs)....just wondering?
Specializes in LTC.

Good for you and good luck :balloons:

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

Congratulations on your acceptance. It's an exciting day. Be prepared for everything from elation to fear just before that first clinical. It's all normal, and all healthy and good.

Yes on the PDA. While others are thumbing through the drug guide looking for their drug, I key mine in and I'm there instantly. It's a real time saver. I've had mine since first semester. It's catching on. Three out of 10 students in my clinical group have one. I've got my drug guide, lab guide, medical encyclopedia and other utilities all one one handy compact tool. For lecture, I attach a wireless keyboard and quietly type my notes in Word to interface with my desktop computer.

I started in Spring 2004 and will graduate December 2005. Still seems like a long way off but it goes fast. You sure about your graduation date?


Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the well wishes. I was accepted into an ADN, however I have an AA from a 4 year university but could not get accepted there. They take 48 out of 600. I am pretty sure of the date of graduation. I know it is a 16 month program and we do not get off for summer. So if I start in Jan and go nonstop thru May then thats 16 months. But everyone has me worried...is this too short? I have done all my pre-reqs so all the classes are nursing classes. Let me know if you all still think this is fast.



Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

If you don't take time out for the summers and go straight through, it makes sense. At our school, summer off is not an option. They close up shop.

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