I got accepted to a nursing program, but im about to give up my seat...HELP

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Hello all thank you for taking the time to sit and read about my problems......So I was accepted to a nursing program in my area :yeah:. I am about to start in August. I am married and live with my family to save money. My family is deciding to move 3hrs away, because my dad got a job offer....they really want me to move up there with them because if I stay my husband I will struggle finacially. I mean we can live but its going to be very hard because I am unable to work through the problem, even if I work its not much and my husband has 2 jobs but its not paying enough to live comfortably. I really want to do this program but I dont want to struggle to pay bills and end up stressing and failing nursing school. I told my husband that we should rent a room from a friend of ours so that we can stay but he insist that we find our own place....even if its in the slums :eek:....I am not for that idea. The programs here or anywhere a matter a fact are so hard to get into and I feel that I got this great oppertunity to do what I love and dream about doing for a while. All my friends and family are super happy for me and they are all excited. My parent feel that I will get into another program there but I dont want to give up my seat wait a whole semester or two in hopes that I "MIGHT" get in, they also suggest that I just choose a different field. I just dont know what to do anymore.....anybody have any suggestions ?????

Forget living comfortably. You can live comfortably when you have RN behind your name.

Just my 2c.

Unless something is going to happen financially in your life in the next few months, waiting will only mean more months have passed before you can really improve your situation. It will be hard, but you have already crossed one large hurdle by being admitted. Short term struggle will be worth it in the end, not only financially but also for your own personal happiness.

Specializes in Private Practice- wellness center.

I say stay and struggle. You said it all when you said "IF" I get into another program. Why chance it?

For the love of the Almighty, sacrifice what you must to attend and complete that program.

It sounds like you are trying to make everyone else happy. Screw that. Do what is right for you and your husband.

My advice (granted I don't know the whole situation) would be to put your stuff in storage and do the rent-a-room thing. With your hubby working 2 jobs and you trying to work part-time and go to school, who's going to have time to take care of your own place, anyway?

It will definitely be worth it to sacrifice in the beginning. It will only be that much sweeter when you land your first nursing job!

Just my 2¢ and my not-so-humble opinion.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Good grief. A few lean years never killed anyone my dear. Go for it. GEt out from under your family's wing. Shame on them for making you doubt that you and your husband have what it takes to do this. Live lean, live smart. Most people have to do that until they get through college.

Hello There,

Girl you need to stay with you hubby and go to nursing school. You can do it! You made it this far! You will have to struggle and work really, really hard. You already have and you finally got in! Trust me dont leave your husband and sacrafice now. All you are going to do is study! study! study! and try to make time for your hubby. It will be worth it in the end and then maybe your hubby wont have to work two jobs anymore! :) wish you the best of luck!


Specializes in Telemetry and Psych.

I agree with everyone. You've been accepted! This is a HUGE accomplishment. Don't let your dreams be side swiped. You can do it.

I had to make a sacrafice myself in order to be able to attend nursing school this fall. I am moving in with a friend into a 2 bedroom mobile home - where the 2nd room is taken by her son (15 yrs old). I will still have to work full time in order for me to keep health insurance through the program.

I'm lucky in a sense that my work hours are flexible but it puts a damper on studies as well.

work hard, do it, and in the end...everything comes together.

I believe you will be fine and pull through with your degree as an RN!!

I agree with the others. I understand the pain, but do what you gotta do to stay in the program. It will be well worth it!!

If you are no longer living with your parents, you'll likely qualify for a lot more financial aid.

I agree with everyone here as well. All of the sacrifices I make just make me work harder. If I have to drop a class, or GOD forbid, FAIL and repeat a class, I KNOW that I will not be able to afford it and all of my dreams will be dashed and I will be homeless (ok, that's dramatic, but that's what I tell myself when I don't want to study and/or have doubts that I can do this). It's hard, but the harder something is, the more rewarding in the end. Good luck to you!

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