Published Oct 19, 2005
79 Posts
I got my acceptance letter! I am so excited. We have to accept by October 28th, and attend orientation on November 7th. They said there would be stuff like scrubs you can buy. Pretty excited. I have to buy some kind of computer program for the spring semester, take a computer exam, but it doesn't count towards my placement, and do my physical and get CPR card.
On a side note, I am 9 weeks pregnant, with baby due after spring semester ends. Is this doable? I am pretty worried about it.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I got my acceptance letter! I am so excited. We have to accept by October 28th, and attend orientation on November 7th. They said there would be stuff like scrubs you can buy. Pretty excited. I have to buy some kind of computer program for the spring semester, take a computer exam, but it doesn't count towards my placement, and do my physical and get CPR card. On a side note, I am 9 weeks pregnant, with baby due after spring semester ends. Is this doable? I am pretty worried about it.
Congratulations on both the letter and the pregnancy!!!!!!! :)
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
i got my acceptance letter! i am so excited. we have to accept by october 28th, and attend orientation on november 7th. they said there would be stuff like scrubs you can buy. pretty excited. i have to buy some kind of computer program for the spring semester, take a computer exam, but it doesn't count towards my placement, and do my physical and get cpr card. on a side note, i am 9 weeks pregnant, with baby due after spring semester ends. is this doable? i am pretty worried about it.
on a side note, i am 9 weeks pregnant, with baby due after spring semester ends. is this doable? i am pretty worried about it.
:balloons: congratulations, sydylo:balloons:
505 Posts
Yes, I think it is doable. Just take good care of yourself so that you'll have the energy you and your baby need. Eat healthfully, drink your water, take long walks to unwind. Now is not the time to neglect yourself physically or emotionally.
You're going to nursing school! Woohoo!
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Good luck on your pregnancy & your education!
I agree with missjen. Take care of yourself, first and foremost.
608 Posts
Congratulations on Nursing and the Baby!!! Yes, you can do it!
rn in 3 years
153 Posts
Congrats :balloons: Good luck to you with both school and the new little one!
2,450 Posts
Congrats! Twice!:balloons:
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
Ditto! Congrats on two accounts!
stressgal, RN
589 Posts
Woo Hoo! Congrats!
360 Posts
congratulations on your acceptance and your pregnancy, syd!! :balloons:
Race Mom, ASN, RN
808 Posts
Wow! Did you know it was going to be such a great year??? It can be doable, if you have a good attitude about being "pregnant". I loved every minute of it, and was able to work right up until delivery! Most girls I worked with who became pregnant complained, always wanted to leave early, used pregnancy as an excuse and I truely believe you start to believe it if you act that way. Sure there were people who had difficulty, but you knew the ones that just wanted to be babied. The day they found out they were prego, they started complaining.
Enjoy the pregnancy, it is so amazing to be pregnant! You just have to be more careful when you are farther along, because we tend to become clumsy.
congrats on being accepted! Wish you only the best!