I go to ITT-Tech...

Nursing Students School Programs


So I am in the 3rd week of my second quarter at ITT-Tech in Phoenix. I am not going to lie, the first quarter nursing class is very boring and dry, but it is picking up a bit in this quarter. In our first quarter (11 weeks) we basically learned the history of nursing, the nursing process, and a brief intro to nursing diagnosis.

In the second quarter we have began doing labs. So far we have done mostly CNA stuff, which is fine.

I am basically just curious if this sounds somewhat similar to other schools. We only go 1 day a week (for nursing), for 4 hours. (we also have other classes like math, anatomy and physiolgy ect ect for a total of 3 classes a quarter, so 3 days a week in all)

I am also more then happy to answer any questions you have about the school.

PS. Just so you know, I am enjoying the program, I am just curious how other schools do things.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Gyn/STD clinic tech.

i made into my rn program with my first application. i have a 4.0 gpa, and i scored exceptionally well in the entrance test. they accept the top students, top performers, as they should.

i paid, all said and done, 6500$ for my rn program.

I applied for the ITT Tech Nursing Program here in West Virginia, and so far so good. I should be starting next quarter! Reading some people's negative comments on this site really gets me down. I am a 23 year old mother of 2, and I'm also a wife. I have been trying to get into Nursing School for 2 years now, and I even seriously considered joining the military and leaving my family just so I could get the chance to attend school! I decided against the military, and started at Marshall University. A few weeks ago, while nearing the end of my first semester at Marshall, I learned about the Nursing program at ITT Tech. I signed up for the seminar, went and took a tour, and loved it there. It didn't seem like anyone was trying to "be a used car salesman" and con me into attending the school. I took the HESI exam 2 days ago, and I've already gotten a call back. Nobody has been pushy with me AT ALL and everyone has been professional and kind. Some people are on here saying that ITT Tech aims for poor people, and I don't think that's true. :mad: I think that just like any other non-traditional college, they aim for the non-traditional student (like myself..) It really bothers me that being a nurse means SO much to me, and SO many other people, that we have decided to attend ITT Tech so we could fulfill our dreams. Who are you to tell me how to take my path? I am excited and I can't wait to start my career as a nurse, and to graduate in Feb. 2013!:heartbeat

Specializes in Home Care, FP, LTC.

For CuriousMe,

I read the article you posted a link to. Not once was ITT Tech mentioned in that article. Kaplan and others schools were. Yes, ITT Tech is a for-profit school. I know you most honestly believe you are saving someone, but just know most people whom choose these schools including myself do our own research before attending. I am an ITT Tech RN Grad. I am working fulltime and so are most if not all of my graduating class. I make $27/hr and love my job. I did the best thing for myself and my family by attending and graduating from the for-profit school I attended. So for those attending and doing well at any nursing school where ever you have picked to accomplish your goals GOOD for YOU!!!! :yeah::yeah:

RN2064 I just want to say congrats on becoming an RN!

I am considering ITT tech because it is near to my home. I live in Chicago and driving in the winter is a pain. I am going to attend the information session on 1/25/11 im nervous but we'll see.

For CuriousMe,

I read the article you posted a link to. Not once was ITT Tech mentioned in that article. Kaplan and others schools were. Yes, ITT Tech is a for-profit school. I know you most honestly believe you are saving someone, but just know most people whom choose these schools including myself do our own research before attending. I am an ITT Tech RN Grad. I am working fulltime and so are most if not all of my graduating class. I make $27/hr and love my job. I did the best thing for myself and my family by attending and graduating from the for-profit school I attended. So for those attending and doing well at any nursing school where ever you have picked to accomplish your goals GOOD for YOU!!!! :yeah::yeah:

I never said they mentioned ITT Tech, I said:

Law suit after law suit shows the predatory behavior of these kinds of schools. Below is a link to yet another article in the NY Times about this issue.

ITT Tech has been mentioned in other articles as displaying the same predatory behavior mentioned. I say with all truthfulness that I'm thrilled that everything has worked out for you....the statistics aren't as good for many.

You mention that all of your graduating class is working (which is great). How many didn't make it through the program? They could possibly have 30 grand or more in loans to pay back, with no license.

As I said, it's great that you've been successful, congratulations on your success! It's great that you did your research, and that the limitations in the number of schools that will accept transfer credits either won't interfere with your plans, or you don't plan to go back to school. The truth is that many enroll without knowing these things. That's why private, for-profit colleges are getting investigated so often these days. This isn't a figment of our imagination, it's a pattern that has been repeated over and over and over.

I started last week, and it is great! The nursing class this quarter has 5 books..but they are all included in the tuition. 2 of those are reference books, The Mosby Medical Dictionary and and NCLEX review book. Everyone has been so nice, and we are off to a great start. We are expected to dress and act professionally at all times, and I feel like I am going to come out of ITT Tech as a great RN! It may be expensive, but there is a reason; all books are included, free tutoring, free CPR refresher classes, access to over 60,000 refrences in the Learning Resource Center, and a one-on-one approach! I don't care what anyone says, ITT Tech is worth it!

Specializes in CNA in Oncology.

Congratulations to everyone who chose which path they wanted to take and stuck to it even though there are many people against it. I thought about ITT Tech but decided against it because they werent accredited yet. I have been doing research and I think I may apply to Chamberlain College of Nursing. They are a for profit school but they are CCNE accredited and accredited my the Higher Learning Commission so all of my credits will transfer to any MSN program. People have to choose their paths based on their own lives. Whats good for one person may not be great for someone else. ITT Tech is competetive to get into because you have many applicants trying to get the highest score on the HESI so that they can start. Just because there aren't 4 year waiting lists doesnt mean many people arent applying. That's just my opinion. Congratulation again to those who are sticking to their chosen paths.

I am really shocked to see that so many people are quick to think that anyone going to a for profit school is a lazy mediocre student. Where I live in southern Ga there is only 1 asn program. There are over four hundred applicants each session trying to get in with 60 slots available. I have a 3.5 gpa and no chance of getting in. This is not the best gpa but I am far from being a lazy student. I now have to consider the high cost of a for profit education because my husband is active duty military and we dont know how much longer we will be in this area. If paying 50 grand to fnish my degree means I have my degree before we move to our next duty station I will take it.

I have read most of the posts.. and i agree with Summit and others with similar point of views 100%

For profit schools for the most part do not care as much for their students or training as non profit schools. Why? because no matter what they are making money on you reguardless.. The expenses you attain from going there are inexplainable. Most of your credits are non transferrable and it syphons you to spend kudos amount of money if you should choose to get a higher degree. For instance lets look back at another profession Respiratory Therapist. In my opinion had a higher and more resepected reputation than as of now.. reason being? For profit schools wether the training is satisfactory or not made it easily accepted to get into their program. Thus pumping out new grads every 6 months. Now its hard for an RT to get even hired as Per Diem! I wont name the names of schools but im sure anyone in the medical field will know of them.

now lets focus on ITT. From the posts i have been reading, it seems like ITT is in its early experimental stages of Nursing education. Be it that they may have exceptional instructors or not in CA (where i reside) graduating from a school of their status is generally frowned upon and hard to get hired as a new grad. To be honest its getting harder for new grads to be accepted as it is. So most directors would rather hire from a school with a solid foundation and reputation than those of lesser status.

School is what you make of it... I completely agree.. but when the school you attend doesnt set up with the best possibilities for success and Highest possibility of debt i would have to say its not also about what you know but who you know as well..

That being the case, it is no wonder why so many are willing to be put on a waiting list than to go to the schools commonly advertising on TV.

If you notice you rarely see community colleges and non profit schools advertising but i can name a few for profit schools constantly advertising.

Some may say that they dont have enough time or other constraints... Well im sorry to say but nursing is in high demand so the competition is very fierce espescially over here.. i guess you just have to keep looking around... but heres a thought of how you could perhaps save some money and earn some at the same time... Many hospitals have contracts or relations with local schools for clinicals.. how about working for that hospital in your area and perhaps having them pay for school??

If your lucky you can even be put as higher priority to get in if you work for the hospital and agree to work for them for a couple years or so.. not bad to get that Degree from a more reputable school and earn money simotaneously..

How do i know?? well im a paramedic, and i work in ICU/CCU/ER of Henry Mayo hospital.. College of the Canyons does a lottery system and they are a very good nursing school... If you happen to work for the hospital You are given much more priority than a regular applicant. Another example is LA county USC nursing program. If you so happen to work for USC or County hospital you are given a certain amount of bonus points because you work for them!

In conclusion i must say that there is an always an option if you look hard enough.. if it means moving id do that before i end up being a guinea pig for a school with an unstable reputation. This is your FUTURE your LIFE that will directly impact you and your loved ones.. For me, i choose the non profit route

P.S the tuition for my CC and ones around me is about 6k for 2 years a far cry from 60k ... =0 hope that helps..

All in all when i hear someone tell me that they are going to a FOR PROFIT school i grin... sadly i see it as one less person i have to wait behind before i get in the RN program.

I say my opinions here though, because if you post and read this site you obviously have the determination, goals and the heart to make it. In my hones Opinion the better choice would be Non profit schools

Also even though the waiting list may say one thing most of the time its a bit less. people end up moving, Real life issues occur or they probably end up going to a profit school. So just be optimistic your time will come

For those who are JUST beginning to take classes.. I have a pretty good plan on getting priority registration... 1. Apply to the college. and most importantly... Make sure you apply to special programs like sports EOPS or whatever program that gives you priority registration.. This path will save you months of time.. also Make sure you Do the bare minimum requirements needed to be put in the APPLICATION process.. Anatomy Physiology, English Micro... While you are waiting take your classes like Psych Sociology Comm.. its better to be on the list and wait rather than Do what ever is needed in the end and have to wait Longer!

thats just my opinion.

I currently attend AVC and plan on applying in the summer

I attend itt tech and i love it. The schedule is great and i am still able to work. all of my credis transferred which means the tuition will be a little under $19,000 for the entire program. I would advise anyone attending to take most of the pre reqs at a community college before applying. The instructors in Merrillville IN are great and although it is alot of work i'm sure it is well worth it. I love my program and this school. I'm so excited. I passed the first quarter with a 4.0 and am currently in my second quarter. I will say you must be focused for this program alot of reading and homework is required. Since my pre reqs are done i only go to class 2 days a week and it works very well for me.

Specializes in Private Practice- wellness center.

I love the opinions of others who sincerely believe what they do about for profit schools. Sure, there are some bad apples in the bunch, the same could be said for some CC's and universities out there. I was told the waitlist at the CC I did my pre-reqs at was 6 semesters. (Students told me it usually ended up being four once the "seat swap" was done.) Sorry, but as someone already 40, I didn't want to be 44 and finally getting my degree. Am I paying out the nose? Yes. Am I getting a good, quality education? Yes. Do my instructors care about me? You bet they do! I can tell you that most of these schools don't want to turn out mediocre nurses. Here where I live, word travels FAST and everyone I've talked to in my RN program did their homework. If they had a bad reputation, no one would want to go there. And yes, it is competitive to get in. They look at your pre-req grades, HESI scores, your essay AND how well you did in the interview. About 300 applied for the semester I got into, and they took 32 of us. My 3.9 GPA was good enough to get me in straight away at the for profit school, would have cost me minimum two years of waiting at the CC. We always run into a few of the RN students at the bookstore we go to study at, and funny enough, we really ARE learning the same things.

I will admit though, even after starting the program, I was still worried. However, in sitting through for ER visits in the same week and telling the nurses and a couple of the Dr's which RN program I was in, they had NOTHING but glowing reviews. One of the charge nurses even told me that my program's nurses were her FAVORITES to work with because we were so well taught.

So far, aside from the cost of attending, the only real downside is the lack of downtime between semesters. (My brain could REALLY use more than a week off! lol) Otherwise, I L.O.V.E. it!!!!

I am getting ready to start my second qtr. now! Which qtr. are you in KristeyK?

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