Published Mar 10, 2015
12 members have participated
360 Posts
Ever get a song stuck in your head while you're at work and find yourself humming or singing it? Share with us
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
I can't remember because yours is now stuck in my head. Damn:angrybird9:
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
I am slowly going crazy, 123456 switch!
crazy going slowly am I, 654321 switch!
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
"Lenny Bruce is not afraid."
One of my favorite things to do at work is to include the words of a song, or a line from a movie, when I'm talking to someone.
Yesterday, I told the CNA that the patients were acting up because there was a "Bad moon on the rise". (God, I'm old)
He should be because "Its the end of the world as we know it".
38,333 Posts
My brain loves the cello and other strings in the Game of Thrones opening theme. I just finished a Game of Thrones marathon. When the next season is released, I will watch another marathon to include that season, and I will again have the theme constantly playing in my head.
One of my favorite things to do at work is to include the words of a song, or a line from a movie, when I'm talking to someone. Yesterday, I told the CNA that the patients were acting up because there was a "Bad moon on the rise". (God, I'm old)
Excuse me, but I believe the appropriate quote is "there's a bathroom on the right."
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean boom!
134 Posts
Leonard Bernstein, Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,907 Posts
...and the radio just keeps on playing all these songs about rain, Rainy night in Georgia, Kentucky rain, Here comes that rainy day feeling again, Blue eyes crying in the early morning rain, they go on and on, and there is no two the same oh it would be easy to blame all these songs about rain... by Gary Allan
266 Posts
When I was labor & delivery, I always had "push it" in my head.....go figure :)