12 hr night nurses-how many recovery days?


I'm considering a 12 hr night position and was just curious how many days before you feel energetic again? When I did 12 hour days I needed one day to do nothing to recover but I've heard with those on nights it sometimes takes longer to get over that jet lag. Just wondering what the general consensus is.


Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

For me, one day is enough for one or two nights in a row. Three or more, we're creeping into like a day and a half, two days if it's been 72 hours of chaos. Everyone's different, though.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

I was out for the whole day after the third shift, and I remember napping the day after that, too. What stunk (and why I left hospital nursing) was that I could never reliably get three in a row. So some weeks, I'd do three and done. Some weeks I'd do two on, two off, one on. Good luck!

Zero. I keep basically the same schedule on days I am not working. The only difference is that I go to sleep a couple hours earlier when I am not working.

Specializes in NICU.

Just one. I basically do whatever my body says on the day I get off work -- sometimes that's napping in the morning or afternoon, or sometimes I'm able to power through to the evening. After a good 10-12 hour overnight sleep, I'm back on a real-world schedule.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

I’m usually tired for the day of and the day after my night shift. I sleep until my kids get home from school the morning after my last night shift, and take a sleep aid that night. The day after I’ll take a nap if my kids are at school and/or plan on an easy dinner and minimal housework.

ETA: “day of” meaning from 0800 on, after finishing my night shift. “Day after” meaning the next day, my first full day off.

Ok that’s good to know that it’s not much (or any) different than days in most respects. I appreciate the responses!

Specializes in ER, Trauma, Med-Surg/Tele, LTC.
14 hours ago, Blue_Moon said:

I'm considering a 12 hr night position and was just curious how many days before you feel energetic again? When I did 12 hour days I needed one day to do nothing to recover but I've heard with those on nights it sometimes takes longer to get over that jet lag. Just wondering what the general consensus is.


I feel like I'm never "over that jet lag," jet lag is my baseline ? On a positive note, I travel all over the world on my days off and adjust to new time zones relatively easily.

3 hours ago, SquishyRN said:

jet lag is my baseline

I feel like that Mon-Fri!? I only feel energized on days I can sleep in!

I worked 2-12hour nights for about 5 years, honestly I was always tired, I never really felt like "myself" when I worked nights. Even on my days off, I would be up most of the night and tired all day but I had several coworkers who have done nights for 10 plus years and say they would never work another shift. It was just not for me.

4 hours ago, advicenurse1 said:

I was always tired, I never really felt like "myself" when I worked nights. Even on my days off, I would be up most of the night and tired all day

This is my biggest fear! I have only ever done 8 hr nights and do remember feeling tired A LOT. However I worked in a plant doing one week of days, then a week of afternoons, then of nights and start all over again so how could anyone get used to that?! Then my first nursing job was 8 hr nights but my family was awful respecting my need to sleep and being quiet and then I went to days shortly thereafter when I got married so I truly don’t know now if I would do ok. However, when I’m off in the summers I easily get turned around to a 2-3am until 10-11am schedule easily without trying every year so I have to think I may be fine!

Specializes in ARNP.

I do 3 12’s in a row and the first day off I am pretty much sleeping. 2nd day can be pretty useless too, and the day of the first night in the three shifts, I have to “pre-sleep” or else I tank midway thru the 2nd day. That’s why I am switching to 2nd shift, 4 8’s. I think I will have more free time and need no recovery time. Those 3 days in a row... I can MAYBE get an hour or two of free time, often not, only time for sleep. 12’s are not for everyone, and overnights are not for everyone either.

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