
Nurses Announcements Archive


Hi all you fellow texans! I'm a future nursing student, and I live in the Dallas area.

Not from Texas but a big howdy to you. Good luck in school and in your new career. Beth

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy Neighbor

I am an old nurse living in Plano, been there done that several times over

Hey there!

I am in San Antonio and currently working in a childrens rehab unit. Hopefully I will be starting nursing school in January. Looking forward to making friends on this list.


Hello all!

What a great idea to start this forum. I love it!

I live in Ellis county, about 22 miles south of downtown Dallas. I will be starting school next Monday and can't wait! :)

Specializes in LTC.

Good luck to all of you just starting nursing school. I think you'll find it might just be the best decission you ever made.

Specializes in Hospice specialty.

Im due to graduate with my ADN in May. This is a great idea for state forums! I currently attend ACC.

Glad to see a TEXAS forum!!!

I live in Groesbeck, near Waco and will be starting my ADN Monday Aug. 25.

Cant wait!!!

Hello ya,I live in Ft.Worth. Nice to meet some Texas Nurses! I take my N.E.T test in January,hopeing to start school in Sept.

I live In Denton and attend NCTC

Hi all, I'm also an old nures, in San Antonio - working in psych

Specializes in home health.

Home base here is Lytton Springs...about 20 miles SE of Austin, near Lockhart. Currently stuck in Michigan until I can get my dad moved down to TX.

THEN I gotta find a job there :)

Can someone tell me why, as an LPN/LVN I'm gonna take a $10 per hour hit when I move back to TX??

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