How did you react when you were accepted into nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


Obviously, eveyone was thrilled, I assume! But, I thought it would be fun to tell our stories of how we got to this point ... I got my letter today(August 2nd). My heart was pounding as I opened the mailbox and then I saw a big brown envelope and tore into it! I started crying and shaking and ran into my dads and my family started cheering for me. It was awesome ! Some people may think I overreacted, but basically this is a long time coming for me. I dropped out of school in the 8th grade due to major family/emotional issues and was told I would never go back to school ! I didn't even get a GED til I was 19. I started a community college the same year, and 2 years later enrolled into my nursing school for pre-requisites, and here I am four years later, at 24 years old. It's an amazing feeling to come this far ! Sorry to ramble, but thought I would share my story =)

It was April 1, 2010, I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting on my new granddaughter to be born, when I checked my e-mail and received my acceptance letter from my school of choice! I called everyone I knew to tell them. All in all, it was the best April Fools day ever!!!

It was April 1, 2010, I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting on my new granddaughter to be born, when I checked my e-mail and received my acceptance letter from my school of choice! I called everyone I knew to tell them. All in all, it was the best April Fools day ever!!!

I also found out on April Fool's Day of this year! I was at home with my 5 year old son and checked my email and started to cry right away when I saw the Congratulations header. My husband wasn't home and I was trying to tell my son through the tears of joy that Mommy was happy and was going to be a nurse. A few minutes later my husband came in the door and my son right away jumped up and said "It's Ok Daddy, Mommy is happy. She is going to be a nurse!"

I start in less than 3 weeks..

Specializes in critical care nursing, ED, education.

Waiting was the worst! i think I stalked and cursed out my mail lady for a full week. ;-) One night I got a frantic phone call from a fellow nursing school hopeful. She had me log in to my account at our school website. she kept saying "what does it say?!" I wasn't sure what she was talking about till I saw what it listed as my major... "accepted nursing" !! It was late and we live in neighboring towns so we met at a bar and shared a celebratory drink. unofficially of course, as we both did not want to tell anyone until the hard copy letter was in hand. It arrived in the next days mail. ;-) Needless to say a LOT of phone calls were made that day.

I found out the first week of January, 2010. I checked the website where our acceptance/denial would be posted. I saw "congratulations...." I screamed bloody murder. It took a few hours for me to believe that I was actually accepted. I thought it was a joke or I somehow misread the website. I proceeded to call my parents and brothers to tell them. My husband was training on the gun range for work (he's a police officer) and didn't have his cell with him. So he was the last one to find out when he got home that night. We both cried. It was my school of choice and I had so much riding on it, I can't even begin to explain on here, but let's just say my prayers were answered. :)

Specializes in Peds OR as RN, Peds ENT as NP.

I was in Chuck E. Cheese and ran through the game area trying to find my mom. Something told me to check my application status on my Blackberry. It was a good day.

I was driving on the highway, when I recieved the phone call that I had gotten accepted... I was so happy, but I didn't really do anything special to celebrate.

Instead, I bought textbooks!

I said " this is the happiest day of my life and I hope I don't regret going to nursing school instead of medical school.

I screamed like a wild banshee.

What a wonderful thread. Thanks Butterfly Kisses!:redbeathe

I cried, happy cry of course. But I cried like a baby lol. I am sooo excited this is what i've wanted to do for so long.

I was accepted into my first choice community college nursing program. I was accepted after only ONE application, no waiting and no hassle. My 4.0 and high entrance test score helped.

I cried, I was so happy.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

well, i grabbed the mail out of the mailbox, saw the letter..was shaking as i opened it. and then on the first line "CONGRATULATIONS" heart almost jumped out of my chest, i ran upstairs to show my fiance, i started squealing like a little piglet i was so happy and jumping on the bed LOL...then icalled my parents lol

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