Published Aug 4, 2005
151 Posts
Hi, I'm a first year starting in a few weeks, and bought a Littman. I've heard that these tend to "walk" pretty easy, and so I would like to put my name on it. Any suggestions? TIA :balloons:
8 Posts
Hey I was told to purchase a stethoscope I.D. tag. I located some at this website Hope this helps!
163 Posts
Hey, I use the red allergy bracelets that they have at the hospital and attatch it to my stethascope
215 Posts
I ordered mine from the states at a company that engraved my name on it.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
You can engrave it, that is the most permanent. Any other tags can be easily cut off. You can use the same equipment that they use for engraving oth ermetal objects. Just check at any home store.
280 Posts
Have my initials engraved on the chestpiece...and a littman name tag...the one that wraps around the tubing and snaps shut. Littman is the only one I could find with that type of tag.
You may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere...
Imafloat, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,289 Posts
One of the nurses has a dog bone shaped tag that she got engraved at Walmart for 2 bucks. Other nurses use the hospital bracelets they put on babies when they are born. I use the name tag that came with my steth.
Name tags can be cut and removed. They do not help at all.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Engrave it! No one can remove it that way :)
Congrats on your first year.
12 Posts
Does engraving the metal part of a diaphragm of a stethoscope damage the acoustics in any way? Just wondering. :)
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I think I will engrave mine and put a dog tag on mine. ....and I better not find anyone trying to walk off with it! :smiley_ab :chuckle
Mommy TeleRN, RN
649 Posts
If you look on Ebay...there is a lady that sells these really cute beaded name tags for stethescopes. She sells them in lots but I imagine if you contacted her she'd sell them individually. I just saw them a few minutes ago. They were so cute!