How often are you sick???

Nurses New Nurse


Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

Although I've been a nurse for less than a month, I've been working as an aide on the same floor I am now nursing on for 8 months. In that time, I've had a couple of colds, URI/bronchitis, stomach flu, and now a sinus infection. That's all in addition to my IBS flare-ups. I wash my hands all the time and use hand-sanitizer every chance I get. I'm told this is par for the course because I'm just exposed to so much. When I started getting sick this time (before knowing it was sinusitis) my mom asked if anybody at work had been sick. I laughed and said, "well, 24 patients are sick every day that I'm exposed to, plus the other 300-400 people that work in the hospital, plus the visitors. We all use the same elevators, stairways, cafeterias, etc." Yuck.

Just wondering if anybody else has had to get used to this? Mom was suggesting staying on a routine of zinc/vita c/echinicea. Granted, she's never been a nurse...just "doctor Mom!"

I had 3 days off this weekend and spent the whole time in bed trying to recoop to be back at work on monday since I'm only in my second week of orientation.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Since i've been a nurse (close to 3 years), i've had 2 bouts with Intestinal Express (running out one end or the other), 1 nasty sinus infection, 2 bouts of flu, and 3 colds.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

I also use CalStat and wash my hands all the time. I also wipe down all my charts and desk/phone/computer with saniwipes at the start of the shift. I get the flu shot every year. I get 2-3 colds a year, and maybe 1 case of gastroenteritis. When I feel like my sinuses are starting to fill up, I medicate myself like crazy. Claritin and 24 hour pseudoephedrine for 3-4 days usually allows me to work through it all......

I'm rarely sick. Probably all those years with toddlers (I've had 4). :)


Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

Since I have been on nights...I am sick all the time. I was rarely ever sick before.

Never. I do, however, take a buttload of vitamins.

Specializes in NICU.

I am now a new grad (only 2 weeks left on orientation). But since I started nursing school I get sick less often than before. I probably get 1-2 colds a year, and maybe a sinus infection. I get the flu shot every year and wash my hands all the time. This year my boyfriend and his 2 roommates got the flu. I took care of him all week and never got sick. I take a lot of vitamins as well. I also try to eat healthy foods.

Knock on wood....

I think I get sick less because I wash my hands now more than ever

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I had perfect attendence my first few years in nursing and didn't get sick. I'm lucky because it was a very stressful time. But I was finally able to start taking care of myself through diet and exercise and I know that helped. The last couple of years I've gotten the flu twice and a stomach thingie.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Never. I do, however, take a buttload of vitamins.

"buttload"? Why do visions of enemas enter into my mind. :eek:

"buttload"? Why do visions of enemas enter into my mind. :eek:

What with all the colon cleansing stories out there . . . .who could blame you? :D:D:D

My micro teacher told us that your body only uses what it needs and the rest you pee out so he encouraged us NOT to overdo the vitamin thing. Just makes expensive pee.


p.s. "Buttload" would be a SSE . . .right? (we are only teasing you sue)

Specializes in Med/Surg..

Hi Lana,

I graduated last May, worked on a Surgical floor for the 1st 6 months. Besides a few folks who had MRSA or C-Diff in their wounds, everyone was basically "healthy" and just recovering from their surgical procedures. I never got sick in that time. I switched hospitals in November and started working on a Med/Surg floor. This place has a huge number of elderly pt's and from Nov. until just a few weeks ago, at least 4 of my 6-7 pt's each night had pneumonia.

The pt's were coughing, gagging, hacking all over me and the rest of the staff - didn't occur to them to cover their mouths. I had to stand there holding emesis basins for them to spit up all sorts of horrible looking stuff. I love being a Nurse - but that was disgusting. I'm really anal about handwashing and gloving up, I took vitamins, popped vitamin-C drops, etc. despite all that, by Christmas I was sicker than I've ever been in my life. Quite a few of us ended up with pneumonia and bronchitis. I was coughing so much, I sounded like a TB patient, thought I'd cough a lung up - it was awful. It took antibiotics, steroids and using an inhaler for a month before I started feeling well again.

One of my co-workers said I'll eventually build up immunities to all the "crud" on the floor, but I really don't relish the thought of going through another Winter like this one. If I'm still on the same floor next Pneumonia season, I'll be wearing a mask to protect myself...

Specializes in ICU, SDU, OR, RR, Ortho, Hospice RN.

Hmmmmm I rarely get sick which is a blessing.

I do take a good multivit a day. I agree with Stevielynn that taking too many vitamins can be harmful, remember the water soluble ones you will pee out but the oil soluble ones will cause probs if you OD on them!!

Get well soon Lanabanana. ( love the name by the way ) :)

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