How has "nursing" helped you at home?


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.


Nursing and family life - do the two go together? How has your nursing profession helped you at home with family? How has it hurt?

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Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I always told my blood no bones you're fine.

If I wasn't a nurse I would have LIVED at the ED. My son was one of those kids who LOVED placing things up his nose or in his ear....:banghead:

Specializes in Peds ED, Peds Stem Cell Transplant, Peds.

Made my daughter run on a broken hip for 3 weeks. Seriously though, she was 12 and had no history of trauma, but was whining, I didn't bother to look at it, cause well, she is 12 no history of trauma. Her ligament pulled away from the bone, causing a chipped hip.

Seriously though I did stem cell transplant for 9 months, my nephew had 2, about 8 years later, I was able to help my sister out.

Specializes in Emergency.

Just recently while listening to my daughter's lung sounds during a nasty cold, I knew that it was time to make a trip to the pediatrician. Early pneumonia :( Last year, a neighbor fell outside of my house when she lost her footing. One look at her foot, and I knew surgery was in her near future.... Despite her pleas that "It's just sprained", I was able to convince her to at least get an xray. A few pins and months in a cast later, she's thanked me at least a few hundred times :)

Most of my family is in Nursing. I will never forget my RN mom, "You are not sick, you are going to school." However, if we were truly sick, we stayed home, no matter what my Dad said. Mom was a Psych RN.

I was able to Hospice my mom at home in the surroundings she loved. She and my father adored each other. It was good for both of my parents, and for me, that I did it.

Specializes in ED.

My kids, "Mom, I don't feel good." Me, "Are you vomiting blood? No. Go to school." My oldest used to say he was going to start a support group for children of nurses.

Recently, while on vacation, I fell and injured my shoulder. My boyfriend, "You need to go to the ER and have that looked at." Me, "Why? I can just take some ibuprofen and ice it while lying on the beach. Also the cold ocean water will help with the swelling." I eventually did go to the ER. Complete rotator cuff tear, and 3 fractures and one surgery later I am finally healing. My daughter is now a nurse's aide and going back for her RN. It's like pulling teeth to get her to go to the doctor. Just like her Mamma.

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

It helped me take care of my mom as she died of breast ca with mets to her brain, liver, bones with hospice help. She died at home as she would have wanted. The hospice staff smoothed over the times when because of her altered mental state, she wouldn't do anything I suggested. Being a nurse hasn't helped at all with my husband's wound care following unsuccessful foot and ankle surgery because it's so very specialized and I was a psych nurse -- as he keeps reminding me. I guess you just can't teach a crusty old bat new tricks!:roflmao:

Specializes in PACU, OR.

Working with **** in various forms at work never helped me deal with the same at home. They only inspired me to get out of home till the tantrums and associated performances were over and the little darlings (a euphemism, of course) were asleep in bed.

Learning sterile procedure gave me skills I use every day. I take bread out of the bag using no-touch technique and haven't had moldy bread once since I was a first-year student. I make all our own jams and jellies and can tons of produce every fall and in mumblemumble years I have only had one jar ever go bad on me.

Learning how to swaddle an infant makes it possible for me to wrap a resistant cat to give medications. They let me take one cat home out of the vet ICU a day early because I knew how to monitor her, manage drains and dressings, give meds, and give report. This week I identified early bilirubinemia, which turned out to be gall bladder duct obstruction, by weight loss, loss of grooming, restless pain behavior, and icteric ears-- the vet said her exam wasn't that interesting but she stuck the kitty for blood and urine anyway and called me stat the next morning with the results.

See, no knowledge is ever wasted.

Specializes in Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgical.

I identified evidence of both a kidney stone and a benign cyst in my boyfriend, and helped him lose 20 lb, drop his BP and cholesterol 30 points, and drink less EtOH.

He still gets mad at me when I attack the high-fat food in the house (coconut oil, peanut butter, cheese) etc. because I need the calories after exercising. His doctor told him minimal saturated fats.

I also cluck over coworkers, friends and pets if they're unlucky enough to be in my presence. I've sent one girl to the doctor with a serious scald burn, another with IUD complications, dressed wounds on dogs, and made my boss go home after he looked like death warmed over from norovirus.

And I haven't gotten out of school yet.

My job has taught me that whatever problems I have are small compared to what others are suffering.

After a day taking care of a young person with a major traumatic brain injury, my colicky baby didn't seem like a big problem at all.

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